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Amy walked around the museum staring curiously at the many Egyptian artifacts that met her eyes. Towering sculptures leered over her and tombs with bandaged mummies threatened to wake if you made too much noise walking past them. Amy watched her fellow classmates disperse around the room. Several of them left the Ancient Egypt section quickly and headed off to more "interesting" things, but Amy stayed. She rarely admitted it but Ancient Egypt was her favorite things to study. She felt a strange sort of connection to the beautiful dancers depicted on stone walls and a bizarre inclination towards the sketched Pharaohs on their grand thrones.

Amy wandered around the room before she felt her violet eyes turn towards a small room delicately widen away in one of the far corners of the exhibit almost completely shrouded by heavy red drapes. Amy looked around her before brushing away the satin hangings. The little corner was almost entirely filled by a large stone tablet that had several hieroglyphs etched across it.

"It's supposed to me a dedication to the Goddess Amunet and her human lover Teremun," a voice suddenly said from behind her. Amy felt her heart give a lurch and she jumped slightly off the ground at the sudden appearance of another individual. Amy's violet eyes shifted to the person behind her and almost instantly her body went rigid. The boy in front of her looked a little older than she was and it was clear even in the dimness of the light he was handsome. He brushed away a dark lock of hair from his face allowing Amy to better see his brilliant emerald green eyes. Amy felt her heart give another lurch as a strange tingling sensation filled her body.

The boy looked Amy over several times before he smirked and walked up next to her. He looked over the heir glyphs and to Amy's surprise seemed to be able to read them.

"The legend is pretty hard to understand because a lot of pieces are missing, but according to this tablet, Amunet was a Goddess who fell in love with a human Pharaoh that she'd been watching over. Amunet then defended to Earth to be with that human but somehow became human herself along the way. The two coincidently met and fell in love and then went through a lot of trials that threatened to tear them apart," the boy glanced at Amy from the corner of his eye and smirked some more. "Then some jealous goddess killed the human as revenge against Amunet. Amunet's old lover Amun I guess felt bad and allowed for Amunet and the Pharaoh to be reborn together in a new world so that their love could have a second chance."

"You got all that from this tablet?" Amy said raising an eyebrow and motioning towards the tablet. The boy grinned widely before laughing loudly. He shook his head and pointed behind Amy to a small plaque that had everything the boy just said etched across it. Amy glared at the boy who only laughed louder.

"I'm Tony, by the way," the boy said stretching his hand outwards. Amy rolled her eyes and turned away from him and started making her way out of the small room.

"And I don't like being made fun of," Amy said over her shoulder. Tony's heavy footsteps caught up to Amy quickly and the girl turned to glare some more at the stranger. "Do you want something from me?"

"Well your name and number wouldn't hurt," Tony said with a shrug. Amy felt a laugh threatening to spill from her lips but she hastily swallowed it down. Amy sped away from him with a small smile tugging at the corner of her mouth. Tony kept up with her easily, though, and didn't seem slightly perturbed. "Come on, it's not like every day I see a beautiful girl in a museum who happens to be in my favorite category of study."

Amy glanced at Tony and felt her pace slow.

"You like Ancient Egypt?" Amy asked curiously. Tony scratched the back of his head awkwardly and smiled boyishly.

"Guilty." Amy finally allowed herself a small smile and Tony seemed to light up at the small action. Amy caved in a stretched her hand out in front of her.

"I'm Amy," she said softly. Tony smirked a little before taking her hand. Almost instantly a wave of butterflies and electricity seemed to shoot through Amy. It was a wonderful but terrifying feeling and from the look on Tony's face, he had felt it too. However, neither of them pulled away. A strange silence fell between them and it seemed like the two of them could have carried an entire conversation with just their eyes. Rather quickly Tony pulled his phone from his pocket and handed it to Amy hopefully and rather pleadingly. Amy laughed and typed her phone number in swiftly before turning and walking away from him, her heart racing a thousand miles per hour. Her cheeks were hot and she could still feel her fingers tingling and warm from his touch.

Amy wasn't even five yards away from Tony when her phone vibrated and an unknown number flashed across the screen. Amy looked back at Tony who had his phone pressed to his ear and his other hand shoved into his pocket. He was smirking sheepishly and rocking on his heels slightly.

"Hello?" Amy asked snickering under her breath.

"Are you doing anything right now?" Tony asked his voice echoing in her ears. Amy felt herself smile. "Wanna go get coffee?"

Amy's face split into a grin before she nodded and walked back to Tony who grinned. Amy glanced back at the private little room dedicated to Amunet and Teremun and couldn't help but feel a strange sense of nostalgia wash over her and another feeling she couldn't quite place.

The End 

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