The Royal Wife

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Amunet had never known luxury. She'd always been the individual who sat by the side and was struck every moment she tried to reach out a hand to touch the other world. It was the price to pay for being a slave. Not only were you trapped by the orders of another, but every moment of your life was spent looking at something you could never have. Amunet had grown used to the familiar torture, but being surrounded by lavish furniture, expensive antiques, and things she did not recognize from Egypt made the temptation to take overwhelming. 

From what Amunet knew, she was in the home of the Royal consort Kamilah, the late Pharaoh's favorite wife. Amunet's suspicions were confirmed after seeing the said woman stroll into the room. Age had dulled her beauty, but she was still striking with every turn of her head and her figure slender despite having had a child. Her eyes locked onto Amunet and studied the slave in front of her, scrutinizing every inch of skin and lock of hair. She waved her other servants and guards out of the room and a still silence fell. Kamilah outstreched a manicured hand and cupped Amunet's chin. She turned her head from side to side. 

"You are quite beautiful," Kamilah said speaking in a soft and silky voice. She released Amunet's face and turned herself around. Her gown rippled behind her and flowed like water around her. She poured herself a glass of wine and turned back to Amunet swirling the red liquid in the gold goblet. Her eyes reflected a menacing glow and her mouth turned in a terrible sneer that made her features become distorted and, for a moment, she was easily mistaken as being ugly. 

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