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"What have you done Mut?" Amun said pushing Amunet slightly behind him. Mut's eyes narrowed at the action and she gritted her teeth. She looked down at Teremun still limp in her arms and frowned so deeply the crease was clear between her eyebrows.

"I can ask you the same thing can't I Amun?" Mut said gesturing to Amunet. "Why is she here?"

"Runihura brought her here," Amun said choosing each word very carefully.

"Do not lie to me," Mut said glaring at her lover. "I have eyes everywhere just as you do. I know Runihura brought her between the two worlds but you carried her the rest of the way through. "

Amun didn't seem to have any words to refute her so he remained silent while still shielding Amunet. Mut let Teremun fall heavily to the ground as she gracefully stepped over him and made her way towards the two.

"Amunet and I are gonna have some girl talk now, Amun, so would you be kind enough to leave us?" Mut smiled as she said those words but her face was dark and her features haunting. Mut waved a hand in the air and instantly strange figures began clawing their way out of the ground while also descending from the sky. They were morphed creatures of black, rubbery skin with empty faces and a set of large gills on either side of their necks. Their backs were hunched and their joints turned in the wrong directions exposing their shrunken and anorexic body. They crawled on all fours and slowly made their ways towards Amun and Amunet.

"What are you doing, Mut?" Amun demanded pushing Amunet further from the creatures. Mut's eyes were blank and her face stone as she stood before them surrounded by the terrible looking creatures.

"I told you," Mut said slowly. "Having some girl time with Amunet."

Mut raised her arm high and drew it through the air in a quick and steady motion. Instantly, the creatures charged foreword heading directly for the two individuals. Amun threw his own arms out in front of them and a burst of light erupted from his fingertips. He quickly withdrew his sword from his waist and slashed at several of the monsters breaking through the light barrier. However, rapidly the monsters overtook the blinding light and stumbled over each other on their way towards Amun. Amun's breathing hastened as he tried to cut down as many as he could will still protecting Amunet, but he was steadily being overrun. Amunet cried out as four slimy, black hands wrapped around her waist and wrists from behind and pulled her from Amun's side.

"Amunet!" Amun shrieked turning to try and grab Amunet who was being dragged away from him. The slight break in concentration allowed for Amun to be completely tackled and pinned by the ugly creatures. He was knocked unconscious by the impact with the ground and the creatures piled around him and pressed together. The moment their skins touched together, they began to bubble and steam. Amunet watched horrified as they melded together and became a pool of thick black muck that hardened, completely sealing Amun beneath it.

"Why are you doing this?" Amunet hollered at Mut as the creatures hauled her in front of the Goddess.

"I just don't understand, Amunet," Mut said throwing her hands up into the air and ignoring Amunet's question entirely. "I stole your throne, your husband, even your power and immortality, yet you still manage to be happy despite my efforts to make you as miserable as possible."

She looked temporarily back at Teremun and picked him up by his hair.

"I have to say, I was a little surprised to learn that you love this man so much. I mean, he's very handsome, but he's still a human." Mut glanced over at Amunet and sneered as she dropped Teremun back on the ground. "I thought for a long time about just taking him from you just as I had Amun, but I have no interest in mortals. So that left me with only a few ways to torture you."

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