Chapter 34

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I told my mom I was ready to be picked up and told her nothing else. She dropped me off at Meagan's house and I knocked on the door. No answer. I knocked again. No answer. I sat on their step and started to cry. I decide to walk home because my house wasn't too far. It was pouring rain. When I walked in the door, there was a guy standing there who looked to be around my age. He was cute with amazing blonde hair. As soon as he saw me, he walked into the kitchen and said "I can't do this." My mom went after him. I sat on the couch completely soaking wet and saw 4 missed calls from Jay so I sent him a text: Come to my house in 1 hour. He immediately responded a simple yes. About 5 minutes later the boy came back in and introduced himself. "Hello, I'm Cameron. I guess you don't remember me. At the Halloween party when we were both drunk, well we, slept together, and I got in a car accident that night from drinking and driving which left my friend dead and me in a coma for a month. I found you from asked loads of people, because I want to apologize for what I did and I can pay for the babies or whatever you need." He said. I half smiled. I was grateful that he had confessed because lots of teenage boys would probably just leave a girl they barely knew if they knew she was pregnant with triplets. He got me a blanket and handing me a Starbucks coffee. I heard you like Starbucks. My parents went upstairs and we talked. And then I heard a knock at the door and realized, I had completely forgotten about Jay.

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