Chapter 48

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I was now 7 months pregnant and completely huge. I had started packing up my stuff and going to target with my mom to buy cheap furniture. The apartment was nice and I checked it out with Jay a few times. He took his friends over a few weeks ago and had them help him paint. We decided to spread everyone out a bit, with me and Jay in one room, Miracle in another, the twins in one, and the other we'd use to store their toys and my yoga gear. My dad had also came in and installed shelves on the walls. The apartment was brand new with new carpet and hardwoods, and a awesome, big kitchen with quartz countertops and stainless steel appliances. My dad also installed window curtains and put together a storage unit. We were working around the clock to get all the furniture assembled, so we at least had somewhere to sleep. We got the nursery ready first, and then Miri's room, and then ours last. Since Jay's parents were moving, they donated their dining room table and chairs to us, and a few paintings which I loved. We got everything set up, and then when I came home my mom said we had to talk. "So sweetie, I was thinking, and I think you should get a midwife and do a water birth because it would be really relaxing." I thought about it a little and agreed. I had heard that getting in the water soothes your labor pains, and I was super afraid of shots, so I wasn't going to get an epidural.

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