Chapter 3

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Tris's POV

I wake up and get out of bed. I take a shower and dry my hair. I put on a light purple dress and white sandals. I apply black mascara and lipgloss. I braid my hair into a side braid. I grab my stuff and go downstairs to the kitchen. I sit down at the counter.

"Morning Mom," I say.

"Morning sweetie," Mom says. She puts down a plate with eggs and a pack of skittles. "Put the skittles in your backpack." I laugh.

"Thanks Mom," I say.

I eat my breakfast and put the skittles in my backpack. I grab my car keys and get in my car. I drive to school and park. I get out and walk inside. I go to my locker and get the stuff I need. I'm about to walk off when I hear someone yell.

"Tris!" I turn around and see my friends. I walk over to them.

"Hey," I say.

"Hey. So we are all going to Four's house after school. Do you want to come?" Christina asks.

"Sure. I'd love to," I reply.

"We have cheerleading and football practice after school first. Are you willing to stay?" Shauna asks.

"I guess. But this time I'm not running. I'm reading," I reply.

"Are you sure?" Four asks.

"I'm sure," I say. The bell rings.

"Come on. Let's go," Christina says and drags me to our first class.

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The bell rings, and I walk to lunch with Christina. This time I actually do go through the lunch line. And I get dauntless cake. I sit down at the table across from Four. I start eating my food. A girl walks over to the table and sits down next to Four. She wraps her arm around his arm. I start to get jealous. Wait. Why am I getting jealous?

"Hey Four," the girl says.

"What do you want Lauren?" Four says and takes her arm off of his.

"I wanted to know if you wanted to hang out tonight?" Lauren asks.

"For the last time Lauren. No. I don't like you," Four tells her.

"Fine," Lauren says and walks away.

"What was that about?" I ask and take a bite of my cake.

"Lauren has had a major crush on Four since freshman year," Zeke says.

"Ok," I say. Caleb comes over and sits down beside me.

"Hey Bea. Umm. I'm freaking out. Susan called today, and she said some horrible stuff. I don't want to believe it. I don't know what to do," Caleb says.

"Hey. Caleb. It's ok," I say and take his hands.

"Just breathe. Everything will be ok. Calm down," I say. He takes deep breaths.

"Ok. Thank you. I love you Bea," Caleb says. He kisses my forehead and walks off. I look at my friends, and they're all staring at me.

"Now. What was that about?" Four asks.

"That's Caleb. My brother. He's having some problems with his girlfriend," I explain.

"What was with that hand holding thing?" Uriah asks.

"It's a twin thing," I reply.

"Ok," they all say.

We all start eating again. I look at Four. He's staring at the table in concentration.

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