We like to kidnap them in a van and leave them somewhere dangerous

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For those who don't know, this story is based on an interview where Gerard said "We like to kidnap them in a van and tie them up, and leave them somewhere dangerous!" I loved that, I thought it was hilarious so hey! Why not a story about it?

After i felt proud of the sketch i gathered my things and stood up. Glancing around, a chill ran up my spine. I could feel myself getting paranoid and anxious, almost as if someone was watching me.. I started walking and heard a car door open from a distance. I turned quickly, my heart hammering in my chest. My breath froze in my throat when I heard whispers from the direction i squinted, trying to make out anything in the dense fog and darkness.

Gaining bravery, I shouted "Hello?" In attempt to almost reassure myself i was safe if whatever was watching me knew i was aware of them. The whispers cut off and my fears were heightened as a hand wrapped around my mouth. I wanted to scream and run but my voice was muted and cut off by my strangled cries and my legs felt like bricks against my captor. I started squirming, panicking for my life as i tried to gain a sense of my surroundings. I could taste the salt of skin against my trembling lips and bit down as hard as i could. I heard them cuss as they pulled back with a groan.

I dropped to the ground and scrambled to run but they ran after me. More than two hands grabbed my arms and mouth, restraining me from escaping and blocking my ability to call for help. My mind was racing, my mom was at home, probably worried sick, would i ever see her again? Tears pricked my eyes as i whimpered pathetically. They were grunting and pulling me as i fought, one of the captors spoke up. "Calm down, I won't hurt you!" The voice shouted, a man i assumed from his tone. But the voice had a certain quality that i swore i knew. I looked around trying to see my captors. I turned my head and in the dark, I saw a small smirk on the face of my captor. I knew that smile anywhere. I put the palm of my hands against his face and pushed off, prying his hands from my mouth.

"Gerard Way?!" My voice was small and broken, and i was breathing heavily out of panic. "W-why are you trying to kidnap me? Im clearly a fan!" I motioned to my three cheers era t-shirt and rolled my eyes. Amist his confusion I heard a voice speak behind me that sounded, once again, all too familiar.

"Oh but C'mon! Kidnapping is half the fun!" Frank whined. Everyone shushed him with dagger glares and i shrunk back.

"Okay, but correct me if Im wrong..." I raised my hand, swallowing my fear as i pointed out the four men. Gerard, Frank, Mikey, and Ray. "You're My Chemical Romance- er, well i guess what was My Chemical Romance..." Mikey crossed his arms as they waited for me to finish my sentence "What the fuck are you guys doing?!" I said, with confusion and desperation.

Ray glanced at Mikey who them looked to Gerard and Frank. Without a word, they grabbed me and pulled me into a white van, tossing me in the back where Frank tied me up and taped my mouth shut as the rest got in. I bit my lip as i stared at floor silently. I wasn't really afraid anymore, just confused and- well okay yeah i was a little scared. Wouldn't you be?

Frank sat across from me while Mikey sat on my right, and Gerard sat on my left. Ray was driving. The air was stiff with an awkward silence that I thought would never end. Luckily, Frank spoke up. "Just because we broke up doesn't mean we stopped hanging out together." I stayed silent. He only chuckled "One of our activities just happens to be kidnapping little fan girls and abandoning them in a ditch" He snickered and my heart started to race as I began to think what would happen to me. I had gone with them willingly assuming they wouldn't hurt me. Now all of that started to crumble in my mind. I glared and flinched away as he reached to grab my face.

Gerard glared at Frank and smacked his hand away. He then turned to me and nudged my shoulder in a playful manner to which I jerked away from him in an attempt to get away. He smiled at me smugly as he spoke "Don't listen to Frank. He's an ass sometimes. You'll be okay. I promise." He said and I let out a muffled snort on instinct. That made them all give confused frowns. I lifted an eyebrow and gave my best hummed rendition of the tune to "Im not Okay (I promise)".

I heard a gather of collected "ohh's" come from them and I gave an amused scoff. "I get it, Gee said 'You'll be Okay, I promise. Like I'm not Okay (I promise)" Frank said and then chuckled. It made my heart flutter to see Frank's coined smile. I wanted to hate him and curse him out, they were probably going to kill me. Never meet your idols i guess.

Then the question came that I was hoping I didn't have to answer. "Okay, so it's kinda obvious you like our music. Who's your favorite in the band?" Gerard asked as he ripped the tape from my mouth. I groaned and licked my adhesive sticky lips with a sigh. When i looked up Frank was wiggling his eyebrows seductively, and the Way brothers were staring with attention.

I had to think of something else to change the subject,  "Where are we going?" I asked, completely avoiding the question.

"Why do you need to know?" Gee asked and crossed his arms, eying me suspiciously.

"Because you kidnapped me and tied me up, threw me in the back of a van, threatened me, and then told me I would be 'okay'" I retaliated with a huff.

"Good point." He said hesitantly.

"Spill." I spit with confindence.

"Fine. Fine." He sighed. "We needed help with something dangerous. But it's gonna be fun soo-"

I cut him off before he could finish "Oh yeah, because who cares if i die, as long as i was having fun." I glared, my words dripping in sarcasm. 

Frank chuckled "It's not that dangerous. Plus," He leaned forward and grabbed my hands, "We'll be there with too." He smirked.

I nodded slowly, his eyes trapping me in a wave of calm as his callused hands held mine, making my joints freeze at the contact. But my safety wasn't guaranteed, and hell if any emo guitarist was going to distract me from that fact.

My hands were useless in my plea for rescue so i relied on my voice and sheer will. "HELP!!" I screamed and started banging my head against the wall of the van. The guys tried to make me stop but I was kicking. "HEEEELLLPPP!" I screamed as loud as i could, crying out for anyone who heard.

"Shut up!" They shouted as I banged my head harder and kicked my feet more furious. I felt someone lean in by me and I kicked, Hard. And I hit them and they crumpled to the ground. Even with my vision blurred now, I could see that I must've kicked Mikey in the balls. I no longer had the strength to kick my legs and so I banged my head still and screamed even more now just random screams and moans. I turned my head forward to use the back of my head, my forehead caked with blood, but when I turned, someone's lips meet mine and wouldn't move. I soon couldn't breathe. I tried to gasp for air but they held my nose shut and sucked the air from my mouth. I started to drift off to sleep. 

"Just sleep, okay?" I heard what sounded like Frank. And then, with a static fuzz surrounding me and my tired limbs giving up, I did fall asleep.

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