Game Time (part 2)

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I know that the picture is the same but I felt like I had to use the same picture so here ya go..

*RECAP* The car pulled to a stop. We were there.

I made my breaths slow and easy even if my heart was leaping in my throat. The guys all acted like they were on a midnight stroll into a high security building, until frank pulled out a pistol, and three more from a dufflebag. I started having second thoughts.

"You-you guys aren't going to use those, are you?" I asked nervously. Frank frowned and his eyes got wide.

"Heck no!" He shouted slightly then chuckled. "They aren't loaded. But the guns the security guys are going to have are not any nerf gun." He said.

"Well, aren't you guys scared?" I asked.

"No. When have we ever showed anyone that we were scared. But you seem shaky." He said and I sighed looking down.

He sighed too. "Gerard?"


"Can I stay in here with Rebel? She seems a little scared." 

Gerard smiled at me and took the pistol from Frank as Ray and Mikey got into the back. "It's okay, Frank can stay in here with you." I nodded in thanks.

"Thanks Gee, be careful out there." I said and he nodded. Frank looked at me and set down his gun and lifted me onto his lap.

The guys got out of the car and I buried my face in Frank's chest as I heard an alarm go off.

One minute...

Two minutes...

Three minutes..BANG! BANG! I jumped at the bullet noises and looked up and Frank who just hugged me. "It's okay Rebel, they will all get back safe. I promise." He kissed the top of my head. 

More gun shots. Another one. I counted. There was four gunshots in the few minutes. But only Mikey, Gerard, and Ray were in there. Who else did they shoot? I began to worry more. "Frank, we need to help them." He raised an eyebrow.

"We can't go out there." He told me.

"No, you are too noticeable, I am smaller, a harder target and faster than them. I can go help them." I said and he shook his head.

"Even if I let you, how would you?" 

"Um, the gun. It may not have bullets, but I can use it to scare them if I get spotted?" I suggested. He chuckled.

"Fangirls really do anything to save the band huh?" I rolled my eyes and grabbed the gun from next to him and I put the safety on instinctively and it did.

"Fraaaaank." He looked away pretending not to notice me. "Frank, you lied to me about the guns not being loaded." He sighed and looked down.

"I didn't want you afraid of us. Those gunshots were HOPEFULLY theirs. I'm sorry I lied." He said and fiddled with his thumbs. I shook my head and put the barrel up to his forehead. He kept a straight face and looked up at the gun.

"You know it would be way easier to shoot you and the rest if you weren't my favorite band." I said and put down the gun and he let out a breath he was holding in.

I stormed out the back of the van and he stayed in the back. I looked around for the guys and was hopeful to see they had made it passed the guards who were lying dead on the ground. I ran into the building and kept running up the stairs tracing the sound of Gerard's voice and the clatter of footsteps. I made sure my step were silent though.

"Stop right there and drop your gun." I heard a voice from behind me. I turned around slowly not dropping my gun. My fear had been replaced with anger. "I SAID DROP YOUR GUN" It was a girl who was visibly shaking, she was new to the job because her badge said 'in training'. She must be terrified right now.

"Listen, I know you are having a ruff day, but my mom just died while I was kidnapped and I just escaped. I am going to help you, but the people up there have guns and they will shoot you. I expect that you want to live, however I have nothing to live for. If they shoot me, run and get cops. But just sit somewhere and calm down. Okay?" I said and she started lowering her gun and nodded. I smiled at her and she walked over and sat down.

I ran up the stairs still holding on to the sound of the group. I walked down a hallway littered with bodies and I had to cover my nose to block out the smell of fresh blood. I crossed through into a door that was broken open already and I walked in to see the guys high fiving each other. They didn't notice me yet so I spoke up.

"Is this your idea of revenge?!" I said and they all looked at me. "Killing innocent people to get albums?" I looked at them and it was silent. "This is sick. Absolutely disappointed in every single one of you." I pointed the gun at them and they all froze.

"Rebel put the fucking gun down." Gerard said slightly calm.

"Rebel please put the gun away and we will explain." Mikey whispered.

"NONE of you have the right to say my name. And I don't need an explanation. I followed you inside, I saw the trail of bodies and blood. You know what? Tell me your explanation. I want to hear your excuses before I blow you all into blood and guts yourselves." I said taking a step forward.

I saw Gerard reaching for his gun behind him and careful not to hit him, I shot the gun and It flew off the table making Gerard jump to the side. "There, you now have proof that shooting isn't a problem for me."

"Listen, those people aren't dead and that wasn't blood you smelt. That 'blood' was the factory across the way, it melts iron. And those people were only shocked and passed out. You must've hallucinated the blood." I put the gun on his throat. Was I really going to do this? "You know we would never kill anyone that kind of thoughts belong to a madman." He finished. I dropped to my knees and put the gun down next to me and sobbed. They hurt my feelings. Why would they do that? Soon I felt someone pick me up, and I didn't really care at the moment. As I was carried out I saw the people waking up, I must have really imagined it. The person who was carrying me- I assumed Gee, started to quicken his pace and he was shouting at the other guy to hurry up. We rushed out of the building and I heard gunshots. "Sh-crap. Run guys!" Gerard shouted again.

We ran into the van and Frank wrapped his arms around me and we drove off. "Are you okay?" Frank asked.

"Not really." I responded. He just hugged me and kissed the top of my head. 

"Hey, what happened in there?" He asked.

"Why didn't you go in? Frank?" I responded with a question.

He sighed. "Because I was scared. Probably more than you. I didn't want to go in. I didn't want to harm anyone." He shrugged. "Now answer my question."

"Well there was, bodies on the floor. I thought I saw blood on them but I was wrong. They started getting up as soon as we left, the guns weren't real, they were shock guns. I also may have held a gun to them." I whispered the last sentence.

He shrugged. "I thought they were real guns, that's why i didn't go." I smiled. No matter how bad this is, Frank always seems to be the good person out of all this. He hugged me again. "No matter if they were real or not, you need to apologize and so do the guys. Okay?" I nodded sadly and leaned over by Gerard who seemed out of breath but was only staring out the window.

He didn't notice me so I rested my head on his shoulder. "Hey." I said softly.

He turned his head to look at me then he looked back to the window."Hey." He replied softly.

"I'm sorry, dad. For, almost shooting you, and for holding a gun to your head."

He shifted his body and put his arm around me. He felt like a dad. Maybe he could be. "I know you didn't mean it. And I am sorry for not telling you the truth about the guns. Plus even if you did shoot me, I would only be knocked out for a while. I guess we were only trying to protect you,"

"While I thought I was protecting you guys." I interrupted.

He smiled. "Exactly." He hugged me. "So we got the albums now. And I am pretty sure the band can't get together now. We are registered criminals for stealing. But that does mean we can't rock out." He smirked.

Hope you enjoyed! I liked writing this one, so yay!

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