long way from better

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I'm here today, telling my child, the story of their demon father and how he never got to heaven. 5 years have gone by since I last saw Mcr.

"My Chemical Romance are spawns from hell. They had no chance to survive, they didn't fit in anywhere, because they were that different." I told my 5 year old half demon daughter, her eyes were his beautiful flash of amber, smoked over with a small circle of blue from me. "But, I found them. And they found me. I made them all better before I ever knew it." I looked down. I couldn't stand that her face resembled him so much. I wish he would just comeback...

"But I couldn't help them enough. They were going to die soon, and I tried to help them. Time was running out. You started growing in my belly, and me and your dad were so happy and proud. He was ecstatic to see his little baby girl." I let a silent tear roll down my cheek, and Arizona climbed in my lap and wiped away my tears.

"You'll be okay momma." She whispered. Her voice was soft and small. Her laugh was like Frank's too.

"Sadly, time ran out, they all couldn't stay longer or they would never come back. My best friends and boyfriend would never come back if they didn't lift there own curse. And those, beautiful idiots, pushed the limit. And your dad died before you were born...." I trailed off bitting my lip trying not to remember what I saw. "Frank died before he could meet our baby girl."

Flashes of the image of Frank sitting next to me in the car driving to work. He suddenly gets very scared and tells me to pull over. He unbuckles himself leaning over and kissing me roughly but passionately, resting a hand on my small belly bump. He then pulls away not moving his hand and looking straight in my eyes. "I love you." He says clearly.

By this point I was confused and scared as he started groaning in pain, the groans turned to screams and he grabbed his hair as his eyes turned a violent red and his skin looked burned and irritated. He looked at me with a sorry expression as I stared in horror at the monster forming right in my passenger side. Around his eyes were red and his skin seemed to tear apart. He then turned away opening the door and locking it before shutting it. I panicked and screamed for him to come back. He stumbled back just as a car was coming and he stared at me for what was only a second, but felt like hour. "See you in hell, my queen." He mummbled and smirked at me before turning his body in the direction of the car that hit him straight on. He disappeared in a cloud of ashes.

I was sobbing uncontrollably in the driver side. No one stopped, no one noticed, it was like he never was seen. Frank Iero was gone, and no one knew it but me.

Now Arizona was hugging me tightly as I tried to not cry, but failing anyway. "I'm sorry I asked momma." She told me. She seemed sad about it, but I was sure she didn't understand. I barely understood, see you in hell, my, queen? That would only suggest he'd be the king of hell, but I doubt so....

"Its okay sweetie, I'm okay. I just miss your daddy so much. I would sell my soul to see him.." I looked down.

"Oh would you?" Said a voice from in the corner of the room. Ari didn't notice the figure it seemed, so I sent her to her room and stood up.

"Isn't it the devil himself." I crossed my arms.

"N-no," he said and stepped closer. I gasped when I saw Frank, looking beat and empty. "Its me sugar." He said trying to smile.

I tried to hug him but he stepped back. "Sugar, I'm not really here you know that, right? You've not realized you've gone insane?" He looked at me with sorrow.

"N-no, you are there, you came back for me. For me and Ari..." I mumbled.

He shook his head. "You're lonely, you're imagining me, I'm sorry sweetie.." He placed a hand on my shoulder but I knelt down to keep from falling down.

Was I really this crazy? Am I imagining him? "Frank, if I'm imagining you, then how did I not know you were here?" I questioned.

"Reb, you've gone insane, you are imagining me haunting you. I won't leave this time, your brain won't let me...." He shook his head.

And he was right......

For the rest of my life I was alone, Ari was taken from me at a young age because I couldn't take care of her. I'd talk to what people saw was the wind, and to me, Frank heard what I said. He wouldn't leave me alone, I tried hard to get rid of his memory but I was stuck. I stayed home all day talking to him, and I couldn't stop.

I grew old, I was stuck in my own world, talking to my dead boyfriend...

Then I was clinically too ill, they put me in a mental hospital and had me on pills, he didn't go away, he followed me still...

I died, I died at the age of 75 from being too crazy, I guess. Must have been some kind of pill overdose. And Frank still followed me.

This goes to show, that love is something that grows bad if you force it to be kept. I'm glad you read my messed up story. If you hadn't, you wouldn't have been so aware. I'm bad at endings.......don't let love


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