Never going home

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There, it's been two weeks. I am a nut job. Well, it's technically a week and 6 days, but today makes two weeks. I woke up to sound of Gerard's voice, not like you think, it's my alarm clock, Welcome to the black parade is what I wake up to. I had been dreading this day, afraid to find out they weren't coming. And I'm never going home. I laid back down in my bed and sighed. I felt my heart shatter but I couldn't cry, I just curled up in a ball and pretended I didn't exist.

"Rebel, I understand you might not want to come out, but please, the adopters asked if there was anyone else here, you have to come out." I heard Cheryl from the other side of the door.

"I actually would like to be alone today. I thought someone was coming but I guess I'm just a crazy obsessed fan." I said, my voice slightly muffled by the pillow.

There was a shuffle of feet, and I thought she had left. "The crazy kind are the best though." I heard, but it sounded like Frank. Was I really that crazy? Curiosity got the best of my and I ran to the door, I didn't open it yet though.

"Frank?" I asked.

The door opened and there stood Frank, his hair long and his smile wide. I hugged him and he hugged me back. "Better start packing, we got a tour to go on. Sorry it took us so long though. We had trouble with making sure you could come." He said and I ran back into the room and started packing.

"I actually started thinking I was just REALLY crazy, that none of that happened. I was so heart broken but I'm great now that you guys are here." I said and looked up at his smiling as he walked up next to me.

He looked straight into my eyes, and in one motion, gave me a kiss. I blushed badly and kissed back. I hadn't realized how much I missed his soft gentle lips. The lip ring just made things all more happier. He pulled back from the kiss and I let out a wine. I didn't mean to but I missed him so much. It was only two weeks, sure, but that two weeks felt long and strenuous.

I bit my lip. "I didn't mean to wine. Just missed you so much." I said as I picked up my luggage and he grabbed it.

He chuckled and I could see him blushing, awe. "I missed you too Reb, more than I should've." He opened the door to the hallway and we walked into the lobby where I saw a redheaded Gerard.

"AGAIN GEE?" He looked at me and gave me a confused look.

"Wow, thought you would be happier to see me." He said still with a dumb-founded look.

I rolled my eyes and jumped onto him like he was a tree, except I had grow since the last time I did that so I was just hugging him. "Oh you have no idea Gee. I meant your hair, I loved danger days era, especially your freaking hair." I said.

"Mr. Way, I need you to fill out some forms." Cheryl said.

"Of course." Gee said and smiled. "Be right back guys." He winked at me and walked away with Cheryl.

"WATCH OUT!" I heard Ray shout I looked to the side but it was too late. Mikey jumped on me and tackled me to the ground.

"AH! Micheal get off me!" I yelled at him.

"Fuck you! I'll tackle you if I want. I missed you." He said and the tackle felt more like an annoying hug. I rolled my eyes and shoved him off me.

"Wait, so these are the people who helped you escape your kidnappers?" A girl name Tasha asked.

I looked at Frank, Mikey, and Ray. They gave me a what-the-heck-did-you-tell-people kinda look and I looked back to Tasha. "Yep, they dropped me off here, they wanted to adopt me, but they are in a band and had to make sure I could come on tour with them." I said coolly.

Her eyes got wide and she ran straight to Mikey. "SERIOUSLY!? I LOVE THAT BAND!"

"You don't even know the band, it's..." Mikey replied shyly.

"OH Who cares? One, you're hot, Two, you're famous, three, INSTAGRAM!" She tried to take a photo of him and her but he grabbed her phone and threw it to me and flipped her off. I laughed and she scoffed and took her phone back and ran to the room. I started laughing even more and I high-fived Mikey.

Once Gee got done with signing papers he walked out and put his hands outstretched. "I'm a dad." He said happily. I walked up and gave him a hug and he hugged back, we stood there a few seconds hugging. I had a family.

Gerard Way is now my dad, Mikey Way is my Uncle, and Frank Iero is my boyfriend. This family started out rough, but we made it work, and we would be a family forever. Of course I wasn't forgetting Ray, it was weird, Mikey felt like my brother, and Ray felt like an Uncle. But whatever. I love them all no matter what, I felt like at that moment I would wake up, but I didn't. This was all real.

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