After ride

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It just so seemed, as the days grew, we were becoming more comfortable with each other. And the public, because apparently, we were on the run for a year and a half for nothing. We settled in for a nice house we got together. I hadn't called Gerard by his name in a long time, I had been calling him dad. They had been talking about getting the band back together since we had been spending so much of our life together. Ray decided he had more important things to do than keep me kidnapped (because I was still technically a missing child) so he left, it was just, Dad, Mikey, and Frank. Im 18 now, and it's the year 2019. I think the guys have been planning something but they haven't told me.

I was lost in the thought of explaining the last few years to myself, when my thoughts were interrupted by dad. "Reb? You awake in there?" He asked. I shooked my head to clear my thoughts.

"Uh, yea. Sorry." I giggled. "Can you believe it's been two years since you guys found me?" Oh, also, we don't refer to 'it' as the day they kidnapped me, we say that they found me. We joke about it once in awhile.

He lifted an eyebrow "Really?" He asked. "Seems like only yesterday."

Just then Frank walks in, and I can tell it's him because he snakes his tattooed arms arm my waist and rest his head on my shoulder. I giggle. "Hey Reb." He whispers.

"Hello Frankie. How are you?" All the guys hair had grown out except Mikey who had his hair like normal. It was almost like danger days, but Gee still had jet black hair.

"Pretty good. Really good now that I'm home." He smiled and jumped over the couch and next to me. I've gotten used to the guys jumping around, normally the daily jumping over couches, sliding down stair posts, and gliding across tables, would bother me. But I've grown to like it and even troll them sometimes.

"Oh come on you love touring." I said.

"yeah, but, I'm touring with the wrong band." He glanced at Gerard and Gee did the same. Frankie smirked.

"Reb, we've got something to tell you." Gee said.

"Okay.." I smiled, 'please get back together' I thought.

"We are going on tour. As in My Chemical Roma-"

"YEEEESSSSS!!" I shouted and jumped on him hugging him tightly and I felt happy tears leave my eyes. "I FREAKING KNEW IT!!" He chuckled and hugged back. "But wait," I released him from my grasp "why did Ray leave then?"

"He left to go close up his record deal, and open up the record deal we had with Warner Bros. Getting us a tour bus, putting it up on the My Chem page, he went to get us ready." He wiped a tear from my cheek and smiled.

"Wait, you guys know a bunch of fans are going to tell you 'I told you so' right? Because, not to remind you but, I told you so." I nodded.

He rolled his eyes and scoffed. Frank just looked at me with slightly sad eyes. "But Reb, we can't take you on tour with us, people will find out. We have a plan though." He smirked and I scoffed.

"I don't like when you guys get a 'plan'" I said making quote marks with my fingers at the word 'plan'.

"Yeah, but this plan doesn't involve guns or anything illegal. Right Gee?" He asked and looked at Gerard with a upset look on his face and Gerard rolled his eyes. "We have two weeks til the tour, so pack your stuff and we will drop you off a safe distance from an orphanage, we need you to stay there a few days until we get you and Gee is going to adopt you. Legally, might I add." My heart dropped in my stomach. I had to stay at a crappy orphanage? This is going to be difficult.

"I-I have to leave you guys?" I said with concern in my voice. Frank hugged me and I started to cry.

"Hey, hey babe. Don't cry, we will get you. I promise." He giggled. "I remember when you couldn't wait to leave and here you are, crying, not wanting to leave." I slapped his arm.

"I'm not crying assbutt. I just, don't like orphanages." I replied. He pulled back from the hug and gave me a kiss.

"Please go pack for a week or so." He asked and I sadly nodded. I walked to my room and took a look around.

I knew I was being too dramatic, I didn't care. This has been my home, and who knows what happens when I go there.

It was quite emotional as I walked back out reluctantly dragging my luggage. Mikey, however, ambushed me in the hallway and gave me a huge hug. "I'm going to miss you Rebel." He sniveled.

I smiled. "Michael James Way, are you crying?" I quoted myself from back when I first saw him smile. "I will be back, we both know I will."

" I know, just, try not to get adopted anytime soon." He said pulling away from the hug and putting his hands on my shoulders.

Here I was, standing outside the doors of the orphanage with a tear stained face. I turned around and saw the all too familiar van speed off. I breathed in sharply and gave a weary knock. The door swung open and the lady covered her mouth and grabbed my hand. "A-are you Rebel Fures?" she gasped. I only looked down and nodded.

She pulled me inside and I was rushed to get a bath, then I was given a room, and I fell asleep, dreading the amount of questions tomorrow.

See! I told you things would be starting pretty well! You've probably already read all this but TRUST ME! I've got plans ;)

Kidnapped By My Chemical Romance (The Best, And Worse Years Of My Life)Where stories live. Discover now