Big news

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I slept in the car mostly because I had been staying up all night and sadly (and surprisingly) we weren't in the van anymore. We were in the trans AM from SING and Na Na Na. All the while Frankie was cuddling me, I found it hard to sleep to I lifted my head to look around at where we were, stopping back at home. I heard the roar of the engine turn off as we parked in the garage.

"Alright guys, get your stuff and pack it into the tour bus. You okay with sleeping on the bus Reb?" Gerard asked and I gave a sleepy nod.

He smile and the guys piled out me, being slow, was the last one out. I stretched feeling the warm sunshine on me and smiled.

I laughed as I saw them walk into the house and they almost all at the same time turned and looked at me. "You all look EXACTLY like Danger Days. I love it." I smiled and Ray rolled his eyes.

"That's the point you goof." Said Ray with a dorky smile and they continued into the house.

I grabbed my duffle bag and ran into the house after them and went straight to my room and Frankie's where Frank was packing and I started packing more clothes. We were going to be gone for a month. I smiled and grabbed my extra hair ties considering my hair was getting really long. I hugged Frank and we walked out of the room together.

"Ready?" Ask Mikey as he walked out of his room and I nodded scared a little of spending a month in a small tour bus with these crazy people. But that only made me smile.

We all walked out together, they were all dressed up for the first concert tonight while I was wear my "May death never stop you" hoodie and my "Keep running" tank underneath with some teal skinny jeans. i chuckled seeing them in their Danger Days gear, I felt like I should be hearing Na Na Na play us out to the bus. I happily skipped up next to Gee- well, my dad- and grabbed his hand. He squeezed it back in response and smiles. I brush off the shoulder of his "Party Poison" jacket and smile as well.

"I'm going to call you guys by your killjoy names now." I grinned and dad looked at me confused and lifted an eyebrow.

"Oh god, I'd be surprised if you still knew them." Frank rolled his eyes.

"Oh yeah?" I said with sass and put my hands on my hips. "Fun Ghoul." I said and pointed to Frank

"Oh god no." Said Mikey.

"Kobra Kid." I said jumping next to Mikey.

"Jet Star." I pointed to Ray.

"aaaaannnddd, Party Poison." I smiled at dad.

He smiled back and put his arm around me as we got on the bus. "Alright, then what about you?" He asked as we sat on the couch, the other guys putting their stuff on their bunks, claiming them.

I didn't have a need for a killjoy name, I honestly didn't know why he was asking me. I didn't have an outfit or anything so why did it matter? 'Crash collision?' I thought, 'no sounds like an accident code or something.' I knew for a fact though I liked crash and wanted it in my name. "I didn't think about having a killjoy name or anything, but thinking about it now, I know I want 'Crash' in the name." I told him and he nodded.

"Crash....explosion? No, um, Cyanide Crash? No... uh, OH I KNOW! Crash Revolver. Revolver, type of gun." He said with a crooked smirk. I ran back to the other guys.

"I have a killjoy name now you guys!" I jumped like an excited child on Christmas morning. "Meet Crash Revolver." I said proudly.

Mikey smiled and slapped a hand on my back. "Welcome to the killjoys Crash." I smiled and he did a wink. I saw Ray and Frankie fighting over the top bunk behind Mikey and I rolled my eyes.

I silently walk over whilst they were arguing and climbed into the bunk they were fighting over and let out a relaxed sigh and smirked. They both stopped and looked at me. "Reb! I was gonna sleep there!" Frankie moaned.

"NO! I was! Plus you are too short to sleep there Frank!" Ray yelled.

"Nope, none of you are sleeping here. I get it. And call me Crash Revolver now, that's my killjoy name." I smiled. Frank giggled and Ray scoffed in defeat.

DESTROYA *moaning* crap my ringtone! I quickly picked it up and put it to my ear while blushing considering the guys started hysterically laughing. "H-Hello?" I murmured into the phone.

"Hello is this Rebel Way?" the female voice said. It felt so weird to be called a 'Way' that I almost forgot to say yes.

"Yes it is." I responded.

"This is the New Jersey Police station, we have recently tracked the case of the death of your mother and found some news. She didn't commit suicide."

Okay, this chapter is sorta short but it was to fill time in between being adopted and the phone call. Hope you like it! Keep voting! Oh and tell me if you like Rebel's new killjoy name.

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