Game time(Part 1)

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I sat there, eyes open on the bed of the hotel we were at and Frank walked in with the guys. He stopped and looked at me a while. Then he walked forward and hugged me. "I am so, so sorry Rebel." He kisses the top of my head. "If we hadn't taken you, you should've gone home. I knew this was wrong." I pushed him away from me.

"No Frank, because that is the problem. You didn't care that I wanted to go home! I wanted to leave and you made me pass out, I was choked out twice Frank! You don't understand this! My mom, died, while I was kidnapped by you all because I was missing, all the while I wanted to just go home." I crossed my arms and cried into them for a little. "But the other part is I am not a low life monster like you four, I am not going to turn you in, I will help you, but after, you will let me run. Got it?" He looked hurt that I called him a low life monster, but I didn't feel bad about it.

"Rebel, please, It's Frank. Not Gerard, or Mikey, or even Ray. Please just listen to me." He said and I just kept my head down. He sighed and put his hand on my shoulder. "I still love you sweetie." He got up and started to walk away. Despite my depression and complete hate for my kidnappers, I wanted to run into his arms, to sob into his shoulder, to feel the warmth of his arms around me, to hear him tell me I will be okay. But instead, he walked away over to the guys. 

Frank whispered silently to Gee and then I heard Gerard mutter something "Gravity, don't mean too much to me." I then realised he was singing. "I'm  who I've got to be. These pigs are after me, after you, run away." I felt a tear roll down my cheek as he sang, it was beautiful like I was listening to my playlist. "Like it was yesterday, and we could run away, if we could run away, run away from here." But I wasn't at home listening to my music, it was way better.

I spoke up, or sang "I've got a bulletproof heart. You've got a hollow point smile, me and your getaway scars, got a photograph dream on a getaway mile." They smiled and I felt something warm inside me. It must have been happiness, because I then did something I never thought I could do again. I smiled. They all ran forward and hugged me. Gerard even lifted me up and hugged me. I got passed around and was hugged more than I should've been, but it was great. I could really tell they all loved me now. I had a family.

It was a few minutes later and the guys were packing things, I still barely had any idea what we were doing. "Um Gee, what exactly are we doing?" He walked over to me and looked around and saw a camera. 

"The bathroom doesn't have cameras come with me." I grabbed his hand and he pulled me into the bathroom and shut the door. "Okay so some people have taken, all of the original albums of the band, they thought it was legally okay to do, but those song are my hard work, and no company is going to take that from me, Ray, Frank, or the fans." I smiled and my chest got tighter. His determination was adorable in a way. "Do you want to help us?" He asked smiling. I thought a moment but I have nothing to lose, so why not? I nodded. He put his hand on my shoulder then quickly removed it and we walked out of the bathroom.

"Gerard! She is only teenager! What the hell were you making her do in there!?" Frank shouted. I laughed and blushed slightly.

"No, Frank. We had to discuss something. Nothing that your dirty mind can think of happened." I glared at him kiddishly and he did the same.

"Well at least I could make you laugh. That was worth the joke." He smiled and continued packing. I stood there confused. No one every has told me I was worth doing anything. Or that my laugh was something they liked. I was confused on why I even was concidering leaving after this. Why would I go to some crappy orphanage where I will be made fun of, and anticipate on being adopted by some two strangers who probably will make me call them Mr. and Mrs. At an orphanage, I have no family, but these, dorky, funny, sweet, caring men, are unlike any family.

We packed our stuff and walked out of the hotel room. I had to annoy Gee and call him dad while he was checking us out so they wouldn't suspect anything, but I was okay with that. We approached the desk and he pulled out his billfold. "Hey dad? Why can't we live on Mars?" I asked. Good one, maybe slightly 3rd grade question but it worked. The lady looked at me with a kind smile.

"Because there isn't any air there." He smiled. I nodded and sat down on the lobby chair. Frank walked over and started pretending he didn't know I was on the chair and he sat on me.

"Oh C'mon fat ass!" I shouted. "Get off me!" I giggled.

"Only if you say please Frankie." He said in a kiddish voice.

"Ugh. Please Frankie." I said and he got off. I panted sarcastically and he rolled his eyes at me.

He picked me up off the chair and I squealed. "Daddy! Help me!" I shouted laughing. Frank turned around and sat in the chair putting me in his lap. I crossed my arms and leaned back resting my head between his shoulder and face so our cheeks touch.

We sat like that until Gerard came over and told us it's time to go. We all got up and Frank put me on his back. Why Frank was treating me like I was a small child who need to be accupied, I didn't know, but I was enjoying being 6 again. We got into the van and we all sat down, Mikey and Ray in the front, me, Frank, and Gee in the back. Frank looked at me and flashed a small smile. I narrowed my eyes in confusion at him. "Why were you treating me like a small child in there?" I finally asked him.

He shrugged. "You were still pretty upset and everyone is happy when they are treated like a small child, so yea." He smiled. "I love you and I would do anything to make you happy." He said. I scooted to him and he put his arm around me and pulled me close and I rested my head on his shoulder.

"I love you too Frankie." I said and lifted my head and placed my lips on his cheek softly then rested my head on his shoulder. I looked to Gerard and his mouth was open, he saw me staring and closed his mouth.

"Oh I see, don't love your dad huh?" He said and I rolled my eyes and lean over and gave him a kiss on the cheek too.

"I love you and your sass Gerard." I said, he nodded and I smirked. The car pulled to a stop. We were there.

Cliffhanger. This is going to be a two part because I feel like it would be too long if it was just one chapter :P okay bye.

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