Michael James Way, what have you done?

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*Recap* "What's wrong?"

"I don't know, I feel guilty for what I did all those years ago. I need to make it up to her."

Ray sighed. "Mikey, you had to, it was our only choice, she would've left if you hadn't." I started to get curious. All those years ago? She? They were talking about me, I knew it.

"Yes Ray, but I shouldn't have killed her mother.


I gasped and covered my mouth. What did Mikey just say? I felt silent tears roll down my face as I tried to grasp what he had just said. 

I'm one of the only girls Mikey knows, and if I'm not, then who else's mom did he murder? I tried to listen to more of what Mikey was saying but I couldn't. 

I was remembering all the times he was so violent and abusive to me, and the fact that he was gone the day my mom went missing. The fact that he's knocked me out numerous times, just because he didn't like the way I was talking. Why was I still with these lunatics anyway? Had I gotten Stockholm syndrome? I had family, I knew that.

I should be living a normal life with my Aunt and Uncle, and they aren't even bad people. God I was an idiot to stay. These people are murderers. At least, Michael is. 

I focused on Mikey and tried to listen for an explanation to this all. "......not even fair to her Ray! We kidnapped her on Gerard's command, for whatever he has planned for her. Frankie is pretending to be her boyfriend so she has someone to trust. For godsake we've put her through too much and she doesn't even know it. Some one needs to tell her..." He rambled on. I soaked all that up, they were pretending to be my family so I could do whatever they wanted me to. It is getting more and more sick, the more I think about it.

I gather up my confidence enough to the point where I know I won't cry and walk out to find them drinking pepsi and listening to Fall Out Boy play. Mikey looks at me with a smile I used to find comforting, but now just looks disgusting. 

"Hey, Reb." He puts his arm around me and pulls me close in a side hug making my face go pale and my throat go dry. He let go and looked at my face, as if he was studying my emotions. "Are you feeling okay?" He asked.

"W-why? Do I l...look bad?" I ask, my voice shaky but dripping in hatred. He looked at me confused then at Ray confused who just shrugged. 

I glanced over Ray's shoulder to see Frank walk up to me. He did what Mikey did earlier and put his arm around me. "Hi Rebby." He called me and smiled. 

I relaxed just looking at his smile- no, that's what I would have told you if I didn't know this was all a lie. Instead, I looked up at him with a depressed expression. His smile faded and he looked worried. 

"What's wrong Reb?" He asked. I shook my head and blinked to try to clear the tears forming in my eyes. Gerard walked back and announced they would go on stage soon. I nodded and walked back to the lounge room and grabbed a pepsi from the fridge.

I then had a sudden idea. I had to run for it, away from Gerard,Ray, Mikey, and even Frankie. They were using me and I was not going to live my life a lie. I grabbed a backpack and stuffed it with a first aid kit and some water. 

I was not being kidnapped this time, I was running away. I felt a surge of adrenaline rush through me as I opened the door again and started to sneak out. I walked through halls making sure I didn't get spotted. I heard a voice and hid myself back again.

"I wonder where she ran off, I wanted to hug her before we went on stage.." Said the familiar voice of Gerard Way as he approached my hiding place.

He looked down the hall I was in and relaxed a bit when he saw me. "There you are sweetie!" He exclaimed walking towards me. I shrank back and shook my head at him.

"I'm leaving Gerard." I still waiting for him to drag me back and lock me away. But he didn't, he just looked at me confused.

"W-What do you mean?" He asked.

"I-I know what you are doing. All of you, Mikey, Ray, Frank, and You. None of you actually-love-me, you are all staging it. And I don't want to know what you have planned. I know what Mikey did, and I know Frank doesn't like me. This is all fake. How could you do all of this?" I scolded him feeling myself getting more and more angrier.

He looked taken back as he tried to process what I had said. Like it hurt him that I said he didn't love me. "How, How do you know all this? Who told you all this?" He questioned searching my face for a kindness I did not posess at the moment.

My eyes watered as I spoke in a shaky voice. "I heard Mikey talking and.....he killed my mom, you told him to. You have something planned. Frankie is pretending to date me. I know everything....." I finished and sighed trying to walk away when he grabbed my shoulder and mumbling my name.

I looked back and his face was full of shame and he bit his lip. "Rebel...." He started then he looked down and chuckled. "You are so smart it's almost scary." He mumbled looking back up with a gentle smirk on his face. "You are right, about everything, yes Mikey did kill your mom, yes, Frank was lying, yes I initially had something planned for you. But that was two years ago when we kidnapped you. We didn't expect you to be a fan of us. The big thing where we stole the records? That was a scam to see if you were going to be stupid enough to stay for the whole thing. But now, things have changed, and...." He trailed off again.

"And what? What could you possibly have planned now?" I asked almost screaming at him, I was so angry at him for lying, for pretending, and cheating me out of the plans he made. I shook angrily in his grip that he held on my shoulder.

He grip loosened and my expression became confused as he put his hand down. "I'll let you go. That's what I have planned now. You don't have to stay anymore if you think we are still using you after 2 solid years of taking care of you." 

My eyes widen and I nodded. "Okay..." I mumbled and walked away with a simple pace and soon picked up my pace as I reached the door.

Kidnapped By My Chemical Romance (The Best, And Worse Years Of My Life)Where stories live. Discover now