New change

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I woke up to someone poking me in the face, soon followed by someone shouting. "FRANKIE. Did you fuck her till she died?? Really now Frank?" I bolted straight up after hearing those words.

"WAIT WHO FUCKED ME?" I yelled. I blinked a few times to get the sleep out of my eyes. Gerard started hysterically laughing and I threw him a dirty look. Frank was now awake and he slapped the back of Gerard's head.

"No one was fucking." He mumbled. Gerard just kept giggling like he pulled a really good prank.

"YEAH, sure." He rolled his eyes and I attacked him in a tackle. We started wrestling and soon Frank joined, then Mikey climbed back and Ray kept whining because he was driving and couldn't play tackle. I was having so much fun I didn't think about what I was suppose to.

Did I want to stay? Well ask any fangirl if they want to live with their favorite band and they would say yes, but, these people are now considered criminals. Did I want that weight on my back? No I truthfully didn't. It could work out, or I could end up hating the band that saved me multiple times.

We were all out of breath from wrestling and Gerard was the first to sit up. "Well, I gotta pee. Ray! Pull over real quick!" He announced.

"Thanks for letting us know that Gee." I said and rolled my eyes. Mikey was then needed up front by Ray to look at a map and Me and Frankie were alone in the back. Again.

"Rebel, are you going to stay with us? You don't have to, don't think I'm trying to guilt you into staying, but I just wanted to ask." Frank said and looked at me.

I sighed. I knew someone was going to ask this, but I didn't want it to be Frank. Even if he isn't guilting me into staying, it still felt like it all with his cute eyes, and hair, and all his pretty tattoos, and the way his lip ring is....I'm getting off topic.

"I don't know yet Frank. I'll figure it out when everyone is here. The thing is, I really love all of you, especially you-"

"Then stay." He interrupted. I bit my lip and he giggled. "Sorry, I just don't want you ending up with some shit family strangers you don't know."

"Frank, I barely know you guys."

"Uh huh. Says the girl who knows when each of us were born, how tall we are, and basically everything about us."

"I didn't know you were all capable of robbing." There was a silence and he bit his lip. Yep, I just shattered Frank Iero's smol heart. I hate myself.

"Rebel, I'm not capable of that. I told you I didn't go because I really just didn't want to. I saw no reason. Despite how afraid you are of us, because of what they did, we are all the same guys you know from a small town band called My Chemical Romance. Because you know why they did that. For the band. Ever hear the quote: "Don't give out on the band?" It's not a popular quote but it does exist. And guess why they stole back our albums? For, the, band." He finished his speech and I smiled.

My thoughts were broken from Gerard walking back in and I immediately called Ray and Mikey back before they started the van up again.

I frowned slightly to get ready to tell them the news. "Frank asked me if I was staying with you guys." There was a silence as Gerard glared at Frankie. "And, I want to go home." I said plainly with no expression and I saw Frank's face tighten and looked like he would cry. Gerard wasn't smiling, neither was Ray, not even Mikey seemed happy. I chuckled and rolled my eyes. "With these four really awesome, crazy, lovable guys." There was a breath of relief on everyone's face. I laughed, "Oh you guys looked so sad! You wouldn't miss me that much would you? I'm just the girl you kidnapped. I don't matter." 

Mikey looked at me and he seemed really mad now, angrier than ever and walked right up to me and grabbed me by the throat, but in a strange way that scared me, but didn't hurt. "Don't you ever say you don't fucking matter. Ever. Understand?" He let go and I nodded and looked to Gerard.

He giggled. "That's Mikey's way of saying he loves you Rebel." I smiled.

"Love ya too assbutt." I rolled my eyes at Mikey.

"So you are staying?" Ray asked hopefully.

"Yep." I said popping the 'P'

Soon a flash of smiling Frank ran over and grabbed me in a huge hug. "WOOHHOOO MY BABY STAYING!" he shouted and I blushed.

"Ooooooooo I didn't know you two were a thing?" Gerard mocked.

"Shut up Gee." I looked to Frank "Neither did I..." I giggled slightly feeling bad for saying that.

But all he did was roll his eyes and shake his head. "You kissed me twice honey. That doesn't seem like a "friendly gesture" to me" and Gerard 'ooed' again.

"Frank Iero, you never asked me on a date or even said 'do you want to be my girlfriend?" so I can't tell you anything unless I hear it." I pouted.

He lifted an eyebrow. "Rebel, would you be-"

"Of course you idiot." I interrupted and gave him a kiss on his damn soft lips. So this would be my life now. With my crazy dad Gerard, my annoying brother Mikey, my mature Uncle Ray, and my fucking adorable boyfriend Frank. 

A month ago I sat in my bedroom crying over the separated band I loved with all my life. Sad I would never see them in concert. I would scroll through Google  looking at pictures of Frank and sighing because I would never meet the man I fell head over heels in love with. But now? I will be living with them. Dating hold on..*Major fangirls* DATING Frank freaking Iero, and I don't even need to go to a concert, they are right there. This was a big change in my life, how I am not dying from fangirling, I don't know, but I will make it.

All I know is, it was the right choice to be kidnapped by MCR.

Kidnapped By My Chemical Romance (The Best, And Worse Years Of My Life)Where stories live. Discover now