Sweet dreams of a fangirl

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I woke up, two days. I couldn't have been crazy could I? I had told people of my long life with the boys, but no one believes me. They say I went through traumatic experiences and that I was trying to imagine that I was with them instead of whoever they think kidnapped me.

I wanted to keep thinking that I was with them, but two days has passed and I had started to think, I was dreaming the entire thing. The house mom says I ran away from my captor.

Gerard, Mikey, Ray, Frank..I had to keep them in my mind and keep my thoughts on them, my family.

"Hey Rebel, please get dressed and come down the stairs, some adopters are here." She smiled and so did I. Every time someone comes here, I hope it's them, but it usually isn't. I got ready quickly and ran out to the line of girls. There was a man and a girl standing in front of us and smiling. Not them I thought, Don't get adopted .

"Good morning girls!" The house mom said.

"Good morning!" Every girl except I shouted. I crossed my arms and rolled my eyes.

"Can I go back up to the dorm now?" I asked. I started to walk away but the house mom grabbed me.

"Rebel, you need to stay down here so you can possibly get adopted." She said sorrowful.

"Yeah okay, call me down when Gee gets here." I scoffed and pulled out of her grip and stormed to my room. Why weren't they here yet? The days seemed to drag on and on, I counted and kept thinking and dreaming of them.

Four days...

Six days...

A week passed. I was sick from barely eating. But today when I woke up. I realised something. It must have all been a dream. I got kidnapped, and I ran away. I don't remember it, but it must have happened.

I walked down to the kitchen and grabbed a banana and ate it, the house mom, who I learned her name is Cheryl, came in and hugged me. "Hey, I know you still think they are coming, and I have been wanting to help you. I found a phone number that will allow me to contact them, do you want to call it?" She asked.

I thought for a moment. Oh hey, I am a fan of your music and thought that you guys kidnapped me! Oh really you didn't? Oh, I am a crazy person who you never want to see? Oh. Yep, I could see that happening. Despite me wanting to think they weren't coming, they did say pack clothes for a week or so. I remember Frank said that. So they might still come. But if I call and they don't know me, I'll register myself mentally insane. But if they do know me, then what? Would they get put in jail for kidnapping me? I had to save them from that risk.

"No, no. Cheryl, it was a dream. Had to be, I can't think of why a broken band would do that. They didn't do that, couldn't have. I have been listening to their music since I can remember. I guess my imagination got the best of me." I said and shook my head.

She stared at me a while and the spoke. "Okay, I guess if that's what you want." I nodded and ate my banana.

I had to accept they weren't coming for me. I am a delusional girl.

Kidnapped By My Chemical Romance (The Best, And Worse Years Of My Life)Where stories live. Discover now