wait, what ARE you?

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They all stared intensely at Gerard as we waited for him to do anything. He look at me with yellow glowing eyes and smiled showing sharp pointed teeth.

"Really.." I sighed. "This is all getting way too ridiculous, vampires don't exist." I breathed out.

Gerard rolled his eyes, "I'm not, a vampire, you idiot, they don't exist. But wanna know what does exist? Demons. Us, all of us." He sighed.

"Okay," I crossed my arms. "Explain." I was starting to get tired of lies.

"Well, we were born in hell. We were cast to Earth and decided to start a band. Then we started dying from lack of stolen souls so we kidnapped you initially to use you as a big bank of food and keep it a secret because to us, what would've been the hurt in kill one soul to keep us all alive? What we didn't expect, was for you to be a fan. And we were thinking great! Because you would be stupid enough to trust us. But you changed our way of thinking, you no longer are some soul to feed on. You are family and mean a lot to us more than anyone ever has." He smiled.

I felt mortified. These people that I trusted, were going to kill me without second thought and not mention it to anyone. And here I was, not running, not screaming for help, but sitting in shock that I wasn't dead already.

"S-so, you are a satanic band like people always say?" I muttered as they all let out a chuckle.

"Haha very funny. We wouldn't serve that jerk even if God were to send us into hell again. So no, we've never even tried the satanic band thing." Frank told me.

"And since I'm not dead, or at least soulless, that means you all aren't dying anymore?" I asked. Even though I hate them all for lying and betraying me, I couldn't help but worrying about them..

"Just because we spared you out of love, doesn't mean we chose someone else, we are still dying, we're almost complete dead, but that's just what happens, you get old and die." Sighed Mikey.

"N-no, you guys have save lives more than you think you've taken. If you die, I would die, no matter how much I hate you guys I won't stop worrying about you and thinking about you, or crying at night because I'll never hear your more than kind voices again. I don't know who I'd be without My Chemical Romance. You are my family. And how exactly would you be old? Mikey you are old 36, you are really young." I said. Everyone was smiling, they must know how true my words were.

"Actually...I'm 136.....Demons live long lives while still looking devilishly young." Mikey chuckled.

"Really Mikes? That was a terrible pun." Ray added.

I giggled, they really were just four goofballs with a problem of a soft heart.

"So you guys have a plan?" I asked, nervous that their answer would result my death.

"Yes." Said Frank with a smug grin. "We are going to wait for death to take us in it mighty grip and pulls us back to the depths of hell." He finished.

I wanted Frank to hold me in his arms and tell me he would be okay...but I was playing bad cop, and to be truthful, I was scared he would kill me.

"Well why did you get sent to earth in the first place?" I asked.

Gerard shrugged. "Second chance because hell kinda smells bad and I have family in heaven. But, being a demon on earth is fun, until we realized its kinda mean to kill people and eat their souls."

"And that won't get us to heaven, we were only suppose to go to earth, accept Gods invite, and spread the word!" Frank moved his hands in a dramatic motion and sighed. "But these blood stained hands can't climb out of hell."

I felt uncomfortable with them plainly discussing that they've killed people and I wanted to run, but I also wanted to stay with them to know they would be okay.

So I stayed silent when they looked at me to respond.

Gerard sighed with his eyes closed, and when they opened, I saw his eyes were the beautiful hazel color I knew and I smiled to myself. "So, do you hate us more now that we explained ourselves, or are we good?" He asked with a questioning expression.

"No." Is all I told him. They all looked at me like I had just spoke in German.

"Um, I don't get it." said Mikey.

"Ugh do I have to explain? Its really not difficult. No, I don't hate, and no, we are not good." I told them.

A collection of "oh's" were sounded all at once.

"Well," said Frank, "before I die, we will be okay." He smiled.


Kidnapped By My Chemical Romance (The Best, And Worse Years Of My Life)Where stories live. Discover now