I'll keep you safe tonight

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Okay so this story is starting to be my favorite story idk I hope you are enjoying it though!

My eyes fluttered open to the sight of Frank really close to me. Oh yeah, my favorite band that broke up three years ago kidnapped me and their guitarist who I've fancied all my life, Frank, kissed me. He suffocated me to make me pass out, dont over romanticize it.

I blushed slightly, then I moaned feeling a throb in my head. He frowned and  lightly grabbed my head and held it still. "Don't move you'll make it worse." He told me with a sigh as if I was a stubborn child.

"Where am I?" I asked, fear in my voice as Frank pressed a wet cloth to my blood soaked head.

"In a hotel room. With me and the guys. Ray slept on the floor, Mikey slept on the couch, Gerard slept in the other bed, and I slept in this bed with you to make sure you didn't escape in the night while we slept." My eyes got wide and I blushed. I slept in the same bed as Frank fucking Iero!? He saw my eyes widen and my red cheeks and his face looked concerned.

"Oh, god uh, no i didnt do anything bad to you i promise. Gee may call me a jerk but I'm not as horrible as you think." He blushed too and I smiled.

"O-oh." I paused. "I wouldn't assume you'd do anything bad like that.." My voice trailed off at the end, half out of fear and infatuation.

"So," Frank continued, obviously trying to make small talk. "you're just fine sleeping in a room full of men huh?" Frank asked with a smirk.

"Well I dont think i have a choice." I glanced down, my mother flashed through my mind and i breathed in. "Plus all of you have the maturity of a peanut. Except Ray. He seems chill." I smiled, if i wad going to be captive, i was going to have to play nice.

"Eh you might have a point there." Gerard smirked teasingly and i leaned away from him. I must've leaned back too far because I fell off the bed and onto the floor with a thud.

Frank leaned over, looking at me with a puzzled glance "How the hell did you fuck that up?" He snickered and I shook my head with a sigh.

Fuzzy images of Frank on top of me from right before i passed out flooded my mind. "Uh, Frank? Did-did you.. kiss me? I remember someone kissing me in the van before i passed out." I stood up stretching and Frank looked around to the other guys as if debating whether to tell me the truth as if i were a fragile child.

"You wouldn't stop banging your head on the side of the van and screaming. I had to choke you so you would lose air and pass out but I didn't want you to be hurt so I kissed you to distract you. I-I'm sorry." His gaze was fixed on the ground and he looked like a kicked puppy. My eyes widened. He did choke me.

"C-can I leave now?" I stuttered backing up, the cool wall hitting my skin as i swallowed hard. Get me out. My head screamed.

"Listen i didn't want to hurt you but you were hurting yourself for no reason. No one would have heard you screaming." Frank reassured but his words sent chills of fear through my body.

My hand ghosted the soft skin of my neck, my throat felt tight with tears now. "I really want to go home. Please, I-I never asked for this. I'll tell the hotel manager. You guys could go to jail! I don't want to have to do that to you guys, but I-I don't like this at all..." My voice was shaky and Frank got off the bed and walked towards me with a sad look on his face. I flinched away as he got closer, my body trembling as i let out a frightened whimper. Without missing a beat, he then wrapped his arms around me tightly. But it was the kind of hug that was meant to make you feel secure and safe. My tense muscles relaxed a bit as he held me in his embrace, the other members staring in a tentative silence.

Kidnapped By My Chemical Romance (The Best, And Worse Years Of My Life)Where stories live. Discover now