There has to be another Way

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Slightly obsessed with this one.....sorry not sorry. ;P

I blinked awake, my cheek resting on Franks shoulder as i came to from a nap. I had accepted my fate at this point. I wasn't going home and I was going to die in the care of my favorite band. Tears stung my eyes once again but no one paid any attention. I had been crying on and off for the past few hours. Frank still had his arm around me and it looked like he had fallen asleep too. I heard him moan slightly and he opened his eyes and looked at me, sleep in his gaze. "Why is it so quiet?" He rubbed his eyes, his voice gravely from being so tired.

I pointed to Gerard who was curled up on the seat opposite, sleeping too. He nodded in silent understanding and crawled to the front of the vans cab area. He tapped on the small window separating the driver and passenger seat from us. It slid open and Mikey looked through, he must be back from wherever he ran off to. Mikey looked at me for a moment and I shyly avoided his gaze. I felt sick to my stomach with his eyes on me. They spoke in a whisper that even I couldn't hear, and then Frank closed the window and turned around putting his hands in his pockets casually.

He walked over to Gerard, placing his hands on his shoulders, winked at me with a smirk and began shaking the sleeping man. "HOLY SHIT GERARD WE'RE GONNA FUCKING CRASH!" He screamed. I laughed as Gerard bolted up, fear on his face. When he saw he had been pranked, he reeled back and slapped Frank. I laughed even harder. Gerard's face softened when he saw me laughing, it was kinda weird.

"So you decided to smile? It's good, that's good, I am glad." He scratched the back of his head awkwardly, and the van jerked to a stop. We waited till the door slid open and Mikey stepped in. I felt sick to my stomach again and felt like I would throw up, but instead, I was overwhelmed with tears as i shrunk back in my seat. Gerard walked over and rubbed my arm soothingly.

"Oh c'mon, you aren't going to baby her every time she cries, are you?" Mikey crossed his arms. Why was he acting like this? He always seemed like such a nice guy..

Gerard got up and walked towards Mikey. "Unless you want to drive her home and turn yourself in, she gets babied by me. Got it?" He said with equal cockiness in his voice. I frowned. I am not a baby.

His voice became a whisper and tried to make it so I couldn't hear, but i could. "Don't say anything, If she freaks out, she'll want to go home. She cannot go home." I would've argued but I felt like I shouldn't, considering Mikey looked like he wanted to choke me out.

Mikey nodded and sighed. "Well we're at the spot. We have some time to kill and theres a McDonald's close by. Who wants food?" I want to shout yes because I was EXTREMELY hungry, I hadn't eaten in two days, but I still felt off about the whole situation, so i kept my mouth shut for now.

Everyone was ordering then Gerard looked to me and raised an eyebrow. "Um, chicken nuggets? A-and water.." I said and swallowed. Which felt like swallowing sand. God i was dehydrated too. Gee nodded and gave a smile.

I sighed and slumped down. Gerard announced he would be back with food, and Ray and him left. Frank walked over and sat by me. Mikey sat across from us and I gave him a cold glare.

He sighed and shook his head smirking "You going to be mad at me the whole time, aren't you?" He scoffs and sits forward. "Look I don't exactly like you, you kicked me in the balls and have been cause a fuck ton of trouble for us. Im not particularly fond of you and i know you don't care about me so lets keep it that way. Professional hatred."  He chuckled. I kept my face straight.

"Mikey don't be stupid. I do care about you. I'm just kinda afraid that you'll hurt me again since you seem to keep doing that you asshole." I huffed and crossed my arms all pouty-like. He only laughed, not a sinister laugh, but more warm. Good, this is good, Mikey doesn't want to kill me anymore, I hope. Frank was smiling too. I gasped when I saw Mikey smiling. " What the fuck! Is that a smile I see Michael James Way!?" I shouted teasingly.

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