The truth

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Recap: "Hello is this Rebel Way?" the female voice said. It felt so weird to be called a 'Way' that I almost forgot to say yes.

"Yes it is." I responded.

"This is the New Jersey Police station, we have recently tracked the case of the death of your mother and found some news. She didn't commit suicide."


"Wh-What?!" I shouted into the phone and the guys stopped laughing and looked at me worried.

"We inspected the case further and saw that she had been stabbed in the back, she couldn't have inflicted that on herself." The female voice spoke into the phone.

"We understand that you might want the killer found immediately. Correct?" She asked.

I hadn't realized I was covering my mouth with my hand and was silently crying. "Uh...Yeah, yeah definitely. Yeah, do you have any suspects yet?" I asked.

"No, but when we do we will for sure call, or leave a message." She said.

"O-Okay. Thank you." I said with as much bravery as I could possibly muster. I heard the click of a phone hanging up but I still held the phone to my ear wishing the words would float back into the phone and I wouldn't hear them again. Frank came back next to me and rubbed my back slightly making me let out a stressed out moan.

"Hey babe, what was that?" he asked hugging me now.

"She, d-didn't kill herself.." I muttered. "Someone m-murdered her.." He gasped, and soon, I was being smothered in hugs by all the guys which made me crack a smile. I could never be sad while being hugged by them.

"Hey Reb, we'll get through this together. All of us, okay?" Dad said. I nodded and the bus started. I smiled trying to make myself feel better.

Ray then grabbed my arm and pulled me to the back, in a panic (hehe panic!) I slapped his wrist with my free hand and he pulled back and rolled his eyes and chuckled. He grabbed my hand this time and dragged me more and sat me on Mikey's bunk and he crossed his arms "I want that bunk." He scoffed.

I rolled my eyes. "That's what you pulled me back here for?" I crossed my arms like his but smirked. "No, it's me and Frank's." He rolled his eyes.

"Ugh, girls and their, boyfriends." he scoffed with a smirk.

"Are you always the responsible dad here?" I asked him.

"Hey! I can be irresponsible! In fact I am, a lot of the time. I only act that way because if not, this band would.." He stopped himself and I glared.

"Don't say it." I threatened.

"The band would fall apart." He smirked and I tackled him.

"YOU DID NOT!" I screamed.

He laughed and faked a scream. "Get the crazy fan girl OFF ME!!" He yelled whilst blocking my hands from meeting his face.

Frank walked and in and sighed. "Really you two? Can't get along?" He reached down and pulled me off. Since he was almost as short as me, I could almost reach the floor as he held me from behind.

I scoffed and crossed my arms and Frank giggled in my ear before kissing my cheek. I blushed red, that man had the ability to make butterflies swarm my stomach.

I smiled as the ghost of his lips lingering on my cheek. He set me down and I turned towards him and saw his smile. "Stop causin' trouble, or I'll bring you on stage in your underwear and bra." He grinned and I rolled my eyes.

"You wish." I teased, I heard Ray make a fake gagging noise and laughed.

Frank then leaned in close to my ear, and spoke in a very deep whisper. "Maybe I want more than that." I blushed and hid my face in his chest and heard him laugh. I felt his arms wrap around me and yet again, felt safe in his arms. I smiled as I breathed in his sent of cologne and cigarettes.

"I love you Frankie." I whispered.

"I love you too pumpkin." He said.

"Hey, get your face out of my boobs perv!" He shouted and I looked at him and rolled my eyes.

"What boobs?" I asked in a sassy tone of voice.

He dropped his jaw in sarcastic offense and placed his beautiful tatted hands over his chest. "I am offended!" He giggled.

"You are a boob Frank." Ray commented and I laughed. "Stop trying to get in her pants man, your 'charm' doesn't be seeming to work." I laughed even more.

I saw Frank blush and my heart flew. He was so beautiful. He must have caught me staring because he smirked and leaned in pressing his lips to mine. Sparks flew, crowds cheered, the president awed, this moment seemed to last forever......but then a cough interrupted our moment and I glanced a look at Gerard, standing in the door way with a "really?" look on his face. I smiled and looked down blushing.

"Don't get too hard now Frankie..." he teased and Frank rolled his eyes.

"Shut up Gee." He threw back stepping closer (not in a scary way, face it, Frank can't be scary).

"Both of you quit." I said stepping in between both of them. They both laughed with an evil glare in their eyes, next thing I knew, they jumped on me from both sides in a bone-crushing hug.

I sighed with the air I had in me and chuckled.


So there it is! We are caught up for most of the story but now I have to legit write :/ I love writing trust me! It's just time consuming and I'm writing a lot (again) lately. I have other stories I haven't updated at all because I have recently been going through a lot of depression and suicidal thoughts...But I'm getting better and have help of my own. :) I just hope things get better. 

Thanks for reading and voting too you guys. I can never say how much I appreciate it, and I'm sure most of my reads are from myself but I like to be hopeful that people actually like my stories. Okay well, I gtg and be productive now. BYE

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