The fresh new End.

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The wind was harsh against my skin as I ran away from the venue, I heard screams and cries from the crowd in the distance as I realized the boys had walked out on stage, they were officially a band again. But I didn't have time to care. I ran and ran, I was far from home but I knew I could get back.

I had been running and had been paying attention to my thoughts and hadn't realized I was running on a busy road until I heard a blaring of a car horn. I stopped dead in my tracks like a frog caught in headlights and stared at the car that was speeding towards me, with no hope of slowing. dead I thought. Maybe if I'm dead I won't have to deal with the feeling of being chased down by a famous band.

Just before the car reached me, I heard a voice shout something. I looked over and saw Frank "Reb watch out!!" He shouted.

I panicked, but I didn't have time to react as the car hit me at full speed making me fly through the air. For a few minutes, I felt limitless, like I was at the top and the bottom of the world all at once. I was as light as feather, and as heavy as a cement brick. I felt relieved and stressed, I couldn't make sense of anything I was feeling or thinking. I had just become something that existed. I opened my eyes and saw the cold black pavement pressed on my cheek. 

No, I can't be alive.... I closed my eyes, letting the dark void take me back into its arms, as I felt myself slip from existence almost entirely......


"I don't.........wake..........she's been out.........almost five months............she's dead." I heard a hoarse cracked voice choke out. I tried to move, but every nerve in my body went against my thought to move.

"Frank, I wouldn't give up hope! I saw her twitch!" said another voice. I struggled to move again, to open my eyes, anything.

I heard a half-hearted laugh as I opened my eyes to see none other than Frank Iero's beautiful eyes staring at me with a glint of hope.

I let out a disappointed moan. "I'm supposed to be dead." I muttered though a dry and tired voice.

"I'm glad you're not." Frank smiled.

"No, you, get away." I squirmed in the hospital bed and felt myself fill with a wild energy. "I hate you Frank Iero." I turned and saw Ray, Gerard and Mikey. My eyes filled with tears and I shook my head. "Just get away from me, all of you."

Frank frowned. "If it weren't for me, if I hadn't seen you in the street, you would've died. Why did you run out? Why are you acting this way?" He asked.

"I wanted to die!" I shouted, my voice cracking from lack of being conscious.  "I don't want to live with you murderers and liars and you tricksters! You made me feel safe and loved when it was all a lie! You don't even love me Frank! And you killed my mom Mikey! You are all using me..." I exclaimed, running out of breath to scold them. 

I saw that Frank looked hurt, Mikey looked on the verge of tears, Gerard looked at me with a sorry expression and Ray seemed to not even care what was happening. 

"Reb, we, I was only...." Mikey started but couldn't finish as he had started crying slightly.

"Did she cry? Did you feel even remotely bad for what you were doing?" I asked breathlessly.

He swallowed and looked up at me, trying to avoid my eyes with his glossy ones. "I messed up. I didn't w-want to do it. Gerard forced me to. We were all in a bad state of mind at the moment. And he said we needed you to live. And that it was I either kill your mom, or we die." He looked down and I shook my head is disgust.

"You pig! How could you say that!" I looked to Gerard, my anger building up in me. "And you told him to! And you were okay with it! You told him that you would all die! You're a bigger liar than I thought!!" I shouted, trying to keep myself at a low scream, in case a doctor walked in.

Gerard shook his head. "Our plan was to use you, Mikey's right. We needed fresh meat or we would die. And you seemed to be the only hope when we saw you alone that night. So when we took you, we had to make sure you would stay, saying that your mom died was to make sure you had nowhere to go. Having Frank fall in love with you, was to make you want to stay." He sighed. "But you changed us, and we started to forget what we had in mind. We ended up wanting you to stay, not for food, but because you felt like family." Gerard sighed again and before I could speak, Frank grabbed my hand.

"And then I realized that I really did love you, but I can love you forever now that we have to tell you everything...." He let go of my hand and looked at the ground.

For a moment, no one spoke. "W-why did you say "fresh meat" and "food" when referring to me?" I asked the burning question I had been keeping since Gerard started to explain.

Ray groaned and put his head down. Everyone else sighed and rolled their eyes. "Can we explain that later? When you get out of the hospital?" Asked Gerard with a pleading look.

"No." I crossed my arms. "I need to know now. I'm not even going back with you sick twisted monsters." I spat.

Frank sighed. "Of course you would say that." He bit his lip. "But we are different now. And we all love you now. Time moved on since we first kidnapped you. And now we aren't just trying to keep you for whatever reason you think we have. Rebel, we want you to stay with us, because we all like you. And I love you Rebel." He added. 

I sighed. My mind was on a battlefield, asking myself if I wanted to trust them or not. And the 'not' side, was losing.

"Fine, when do I get out of this place." I muttered.

Almost as if I was being listened to from outside the door, a nurse walked in and put her hand over her mouth. "Y-You're awake!" She exclaimed.

I smiled slightly and nodded lightly. She ran over and started doing a small check up as the boys asked when I could be out.

She answered saying it would be only a few hours as I had to get used to being awake again.

Time past, and I didn't even talk to anyone as I was too angry to hear anything they had to say. When the doctor finally walked in and got me all checked out, the boys walked out the door to let me change.

Reluctantly, I walked out of the room, still trying to figure out why I was trusting them again. Why I was heading over to go with these people that I hate. But I was doing it anyway.

We all walked out without saying a word. Frank made numerous attempts to hold my hand but I would refuse. We all crammed into a cab, and Gerard told the guy were to go and we ended up in a cool hotel. 

It was still completely silent as we made our way to a hotel room and walked in. When all of them sat down except Gerard and looked at me, I sighed, making the first noise since we were at the hospital.

Gerard motioned to a couch and I sat down in between Frank and Ray while Micheal sat on the edge of a bed. Gerard was still standing and he sighed. "You're gonna want to brace yourself for what I'm about to show you."

Kidnapped By My Chemical Romance (The Best, And Worse Years Of My Life)Where stories live. Discover now