Okay Mr. Rockerdudewithnotattoos

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Guess who's back (back) back again (again) YOUR FAVORITE AUTHOR hehe. Um, so, unavoidable existential crisis kept me from writing, but I'm back. Unfortunately, I won't be updating any of my stories over the summer. (Well if I get the chance I might update but I won't be updating any) This is because I don't have a computer at home and I use my "school owned" computer to write. Ha, sorrryyy. I hope you enjoy this chapter, it all just going to be fun and stuff for a bit, considering I have other plans.....BYE  


I woke up to reach out and feel a body next to me, curled up and sleeping. I opened my eyes and happily gazed at-well, not much to see-but it was Frank Iero's back, I put my hand on his shoulder lightly and he rolled over and looked at me.

"Morning Reb." He muttered in a sleepy voice, making my smile grow wider as he pulled me into a hug, his warm body encasing me in a world of happiness. The hug only lasted momentarily as he soon let go and sat up, swinging his legs over the side of the bed and hopping down. I giggled and swung my legs over the side.  And he grabbed my waist and lifted me down, making me giggle slightly.

We walked over to the small kitchen to see dad making a coffee. Well, soon to not be my dad actually, he's "unadopting" me when I turn 19 next week. He only had me adopted for the small time of being a young adult. Gee smiled at me as he sipped his hot coffee, before Frank stole it from him taking a sip and then giving it back making me giggle and making Gerard roll his eyes. "How'd you sleep?" Gee whispered glancing back at the bunks where Ray and Mikey were. 

I stood on my tippy-toes and ruffled his hair and hugged him, breathing in his familiar scent of coffee and cigarette smoke. "Great." I smiled and I felt him place a hand on my back.

For the entire morning, we drank coffee while Gerard drew me "cartoon-style" and talked about nonsense and touring. We were waiting for the late ones to wake up and they finally did. Mikey slowly walk over and groaned at Gerard. "Coffffeeeee..." He moaned and I giggled at him, the Way brothers and their coffee.

I saw Gerard roll his eyes as he stood up and mumbled, "Fine I'll get you a coffee." and walked away like the small space was a catwalk-way. Mikey sat down across from me and Ray sat on the couch, Frank was next to me sipping his coffee with one hand and the other hand on mine.

I greeted Mikey with a small smile and he smiled back in return-but his smile was sly...."Whhaaaattt is that look for Mr. Way?" I asked him and he grinned wider.

"Oh noooooothing. Just that, knowing you, you are going to LOVE our opening act tonight." He muttered taking off his shirt and throwing it at me from across the table. I squealed throwing it off me and he chuckled.

Mikey got up heading for the shower and Frankie got up to get dressed. I decided to get up seeing as everyone was busy with their own thing, so I grabbed my outfit for the day, and beat the rest of them to the small shower in the small bathroom. Once I finished with the shower, I got dressed, and I guess my fashion has changed a great load since I met the boys. I put on my green "Green day" crop top with cuts on the shoulders, and a wore ripped leggings with galaxy shorts over the top. I applied my make-up and put in my lip rings and nose ring, oh and I have my top lip pierced now.

I walked out and was immediately confronted with Frank's ass, I blushed badly and covered my eyes and shouted "Frank!" He must have seen me with my eyes covered because he laughed. I heard him walk over and he gently grabbed my hands and I kept my eyes on his eyes, he was grinning like mad almost making me want to burst out laughing, but I didn't, I was afraid I would see what I didn't have time for.

"Reb?" He giggled. "Don't take so long in the bathroom next time, okay?" He laughed and put on boxers making me relax more. He laughed again. "What would be the big deal if you saw?" He giggled putting on his pants.

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