chapter three

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The press went crazy over my announcement it was everywhere I was hiding out in my apartment I was on twitter replying to some fans when I got a notification that danny and the script had followed me I was already following them I was looking through my direct messages and saw I had one off danny it said"hey amazing lady we want you on our tour you up for it?" I started to reply "hey wow really?" I clicked send I got a reply a few minutes later "yes really your amazing we all want you on tour with us I know your gonna have a lot on but it will be for 3 months" he replied "I need to think about it and talk to management and my sister" I replied "ok I understand" I spoke to my management later that day and the tour would be starting in 6 weeks I spoke with Carly and she was fine with me to do it and we would work hospital appointments round it with the help of management I decided to send danny a message "guess who's coming on tour with you" a few hours later he replied "what really can't wait its gonna be a fucking blast"

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