chapter sixty two

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My pregnancy went quickly I'd had my 12 weeks scan and everything was still ok we were now sat in the waiting room for the 5 month scan we were holding hands neither of us saying anything we were called in I got on the bed and was scanned I felt sick I was so scared "so are we wanting to know the sex today" "yeh" I managed to get out glen was squeezing my hand "I know your both scared but everything's fine you have a healthy little boy" the nurse told us the sound of his heartbeat filling the room "he's ok your sure" I sobbed "he's perfectly fine" i felt glen kiss my hand I turned to look at him he was crying too the nurse printed off some pictures for us and arranged another scan we made out way out and got in the car I was looking at the scan "you ok" glen asked "yeh I'm just relieved but I feel sad" "I do too it makes me think of our little girl" he admitted "me too" time seemed to fly by and we'd painted his nursery and decided on a name all we were waiting for was his arrival which was 2 days ago I sent glen off to the studio he was annoying me with his fussing he didn't want to leave but I wanted to rest I told him I'd ring if anything happened I was having a relax in the bath when I felt my first contraction I stayed in the bath for abit and timed them when they got ten minutes apart I tried to get out the bath when my waters broke I rang glen "hey you ok" he asked "no my waters have broke and my contractions are 10 minutes apart" "oh fuck I'm coming home don't panic" "I'm not panicking I'm fine" "good I'm leaving right now" "ok bye" I hung up and got myself dressed and grabbed the hospital bag and car seat another contraction hit me I started timing them again they were now 7 minutes apart I managed to get downstairs I was in the kitchen getting a drink when glen burst in "Charlie" he yelled "in the kitchen" I clutched onto the side of the work top as a contraction ripped through me he was at my side instantly "how far apart are they now" "6 minutes fuck" I yelled out he helped get me into the car then went back for the stuff we made our way to the hospital and I got settled into a room I was examined I was 5 centimetres dilated already "can I get you anything" glen asked "no I'm fine" hours passed and I was eventually ready to push I'd been pushing for an hour and was exhausted "come on Charlie a few more pushes and he will be here" the midwife encouraged I pushed hard again "arghhhhhh" "come on Charlie he's nearly here" glen told me I pushed again and then heard the most beautiful sound in the world my baby crying

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