chapter forty eight

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It was soon time for the 5 months scan we were so excited to know if we were having a boy or a girl I was laid on the bed and the nurse was scanning my belly "I'm just going to call a doctor in" she said getting up and leaving the room I turned my head to look at glen he looked just as worried as me and grabbed my hand the nurse came back in with the doctor and scanned me again they turned the monitor off "Charlie I'm afraid its bad news there's no heartbeat" "what no scan me again your wrong" "I'm so sorry we need to deliver the baby as soon as possible" "what no your wrong come one glen were going to a different hospital" I turned to look at him he was crying "glen tell them please" "we can give you some time" the nurse said "we can just go to a different hospital there lying" I told him tears falling from my eyes "there not Charlie" he said pulling me into his arms we both cried the nurse came back and discussed the options I would have to give birth I was taken to a different ward and hooked up to a drip to start the labour 4 hours later and I gave birth to a baby girl she was perfect she looked just like her daddy we took it in turns to hold her before she was taken away from us glen went home to get me some things I laid in my hospital bed sobbing uncontrollably he came back he looked like he'd done the same I was checked over and released we drove home in silence I went and sat in the lounge where hours later we'd been discussing our future and now it was all gone I could hear glen on the phone it sounded like he was talking to mark I heard him crying I walked into the kitchen and took the phone off him "hey mark" "Charlie fuck I don't know what to say" "not much that can be said really glen can't talk" "yeh erm I understand if you need anything just ring" he told me we will thanks" I hung up the phone glen was stood looking out into the garden I went and cuddled him we both cried and held each other "she was beautiful" he said "I know she looked like you" I told him "I can't believe it" he sobbed "I know" we spent most of the night in each others arms crying over the baby we had lost

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