Chapter 32

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Katelyns POV•
It's been a week and I love being home with Hayden and Andrew but I'm tired as heck. I can't believe how tired I am. Jack of course is the exact same but he helps as much as he can. I get that he has a career and I'm a stay at home mom.

So he sleeps through some of the babies' crying. Secretly I've been having Matt come over and watch the babies while I sleep. If Jack found out he would be ticked off.

Matt just got here and I opened the door. We did our usual morning hug and he walked in. He greeted the babies as if they could greet him back.

"Thanks Matt. I appreciate this." I said to him "of course. No problem." He said back as I walked to my room to take a nap while he watched the babies. I walked in and fell asleep at about 11:30 a.m.

•Jack's POV•
At about 3:00 I walked into my house. I wanted to surprise Katelyn with some flowers. But when I walked in I was greeted not by my wife and 2 children but by MATT and Hayden and Andrew.

"Oh hey Jack!" Matt said as if nothing happened. I wanted to slap him. Of course we had made up and everything but I was still pissed at him. 

"Oh... Hey Matt!" I said trying to mask my extreme anger with false excitement. "What's wrong?" Matt asked me. "Oh I don't know Matt. Maybe it's that I was expecting to surprise my WIFE and I came home to God forbid you in my house."
I yelled at him.

"Katelyn told me she told you and that you were fine with me taking care of Hay and Andy while she got some sleep. So I'm sorry if you aren't helping her with the kids cause I am!" He yelled back.

I saw Katelyn running down the stairs and when she saw me she stopped dead in her tracks. "J-j-Jack" she stuttered "I-I'm sorry!" She said starting to cry.

Matt tried to go and comfort her but I didn't care about him or his jacked up intentions at all. I knew why he was actually here.

To get her to leave me and go to him.

So I shoved him out of the way and went to hug her. "Katelyn Elizabeth what the hell?" I thought we didn't want our kids to meet him!" I yelled.

With that she released from our hug and shoved me out of the way.

She went and hugged Matt. He embraced her and gave me one of his "signature" smirks. And by signature I meant a smirk that every other guy in the world does. I pulled a crying Katelyn off of him and punched him in the jaw.

Then once he fell I got onto of him and punched him so many times he passed out. Katelyn called 911 and a few minutes later a paramedic rushed in. "How long has he been out?" He asked "about 5 minutes" I replied. They put him on a gurney and put him in the ambulance.

Then I saw the thing I dreaded most...

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