Chapter 39

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~2 years later (15 now)~

•Hayden's POV•
Since I've dated Luke I've dated 5 other guys. I am completely in love with Jase Scott Wilkinson. But I can't have him. Why? Because my dad won't let me. I can't sneak behind their backs. I respect them to much. So it's been 3 months since I've talked to Jase. 3 WHOLE MONTHS. I haven't seen him or his beautiful eyes in over a year. I need him. He is like the air I breath. And I'm slowly suffocating without him. My grades have been dropping.

"Mom?" I said "can we talk?" "Sure baby. What do you need?" She said. I decided to be straightforward and tell her. "I'm in love!" I blurted. She got excited. "With who?" She yelled clapping her hands. I took a deep breath "Jase" I said quietly. "Oh my god!" She looked at me. "Honey, I support you. But dad won't. So you aren't allowed too!" "Mother!" I started yelling in her face "I am 15 years old. I can love who I want too. You can't stop me. I'm going to see him!" I ranted. I ran up to my room, threw clothes, makeup, and my straightener in there. I called Jessica.
"Jess! You have to come get me and take me to the airport. I need you please!" I cried into the phone "okay I'm coming. 5 minutes!" She said and hung up. I walked out and said bye to Andy. He said bye. I would call him later and explain.
I had nothing to lose. Fire away. I said to myself. I ran to Jess's car and hopped in. "Okay. Can you tell me what this is all about?" She said. I just noticed she was in pjs and no makeup. I explained and apologized.
She just took me to the airport. I walked in. "I need a one way ticket to Omaha, Nebraska." I said politely to the lady. "Okay. Run to exit 139. They will let you in. They are about to leave." I thanked her as I ran off. I ran up to the people and told them everything. They let me on.

•Jase's POV•
Hayden👑😍. It read. I answered. "Hey Jay. Can you come pick me up at the airport please?" I asked. "Sure?" I said. I was actually with my girlfriend Andrea right now but oh well. My #1 girl just asked me to come get her. I'm going. I told Andrea that she was my "cousin" and left.
I got there and she ran into my arms. I picked her up and hugged her. She was beautiful! She buried her head in the crook of my neck as I carried her to the car. She looked at me before I put her down.
"I missed those beautiful blue eyes of yours Jay." She said and kissed my nose. I kissed her forehead. "I missed you." I said. "Everything about you."

"Jase?" She said. "I have to tell you why I came here without my mom and dad knowing." "Okay shoot!" I said. "I came because I'm in love with you." She said. Looking me in the eye. I looked at her stunned. "Hayden" I didn't know what else to say. "Oh. I get it. You don't love me back. It's okay." She said her voice cracking. She started crying. I embraced her and wiped the tears from her cheeks. "I thought I could do it Jase. I thought I could tell you. I thought I was titanium. I'm not." She was breaking. Her heart. Her eyes. Her everything. She was breaking me too. "Hayden Grace, I love you so much it's not even explainable. I've loved you since forever. But..." "Yeah. I know Jay. We can't be together because of my dad's stupid rule." She said pulling herself together. "But I can still love you." She said. "And you will always be loved back." I said to her.

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