my brother Nial and his band geeks: the bane of my existense

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"Mum dad im home!" I yelled as i slammed the door behind me.

Silence replied to me because obviously there was no one home or so i thought until a hideous sound of bad home made music coming from the basement filled my ears.

I ran into the basement beholding my brother and his band geeks.

"What the hell Nial?!?! You're ruining my groove!" I said to my brother across the room.

"Yo sis whas up" he said in his stupid irish accent "you know me and my friends have band practise every monday"

I gave him a weird look (exactly like that face regina george is making on the cover)

Then my eyes flickered over to Harry. Who never seemed to notice me, even tho i had had a crush on him since the time i was 4 years old. He only thought of me as Nials little sister.

If Nial knew i liked him he woule kill Harry. Because harry is a player and has a new girl in his bed every day.

"Hey Zane, liam, louis" i coughed "and h-harry" they all waved back excitedly except Harry who just continued playing his guitar and completely ignoring me.

I sighed deeply.

"You suck, nial" i pointed at him as i left the basement.

"No i dont!" He was insulted. "One day we'll be the best 5 peice band to ever rule the world. Ask Zane. Im right arent i Zane?"

Zane only smiled knowingly and chuckled to himself.

"Whatever" i flipped my hair over my shoulder.

"Omg!!!" Louis said in his high british voice.

"Ive got a neat line; the way that you flip your hair gets my overwhelmed you dont know-ow-ow, you dont know your beautiful..."

We all just stared at him like an idiot

"Shut up Louis" someone said.

"Yeah thats shit" said someone else.

After that i left the basement and went to my room and started taking off one ofmy 10 layers of T-shirts i had decided to wear today.

Then a movement at the corner of my eye caught my attention.

Oh. Mygod. I gasped.

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