an evil gang of vampires in my school?!?!

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Okay to say that i was freaking out was an understatement.

You stupid idiot what were you thinking??? Walking out of school before the bell even rung for home time?? WHAT THE FUCK.

I was running as fast as I possibly could back to school.


As soon as i had made it onto the school property I dove in through the window of my first period class and sat on the normal table.

Good. I was early. No one was even in class yet.

I took my books a pencils out of my bag and neatly arranged it onto the table in front of me.

Then i sat.

And waited.

For nearly half an hour and still no one was here.

I looked down at my books. It was gettinf hard to see them because of the dark. I looked around annoyed.

Then took out my nokia and looked at the time 10:53pm. I put it back into my pocket. I was so confused.

God i hoped i didnt get in trouble. Or worse yet get my parents called in.

Suddenly voices were heard from the corridor. Booming laughter. I walked over to the door and saw that there were beautiful perfect people walking along the corridor, wearing the exact same uniform as me but white.

I squinted my eyes. This was WEIRD.

"KANAME" A girl i knew who had really rachetty thin straight brown hair called out to a tall lanky guy with brown hair in his face.

"What?, i am a vampire" he replied.

Who were these people?!? I had no idea.

"Wow how cool is drinking blood ayy it tastes so good" said one chick in a white uniform.

"Awh human blood? Yeah aye" a boy said as he burst out laughing.

I just squinted my eyes at them feeling extremely confused to what they were talking about.

"Nothing beats sleeping in coffins or upside down tho, aye Lachlan"

Omg Lachlan was there????? Wtf.

Who were these people and why were they with Lachlan. I decided to follow them down the hallway.

I then realised why where they were heading, the gym and I decided to take my own route and come up in front of them purposefully.

I waited paciently for them to come walk past me and my hiding spot and when they did, more specifically Lachlan I jumped and pulled him into the sode corridor I was in accidentally causing him to face plant the wall. He groaned in pain and then looked at me angrily.

He then realised it was me and his eues widened.

"Main Character?! What the hell are you doing here?" He said, distressed.

"I was running back to school but I think it mught be over.." i explained.

"Oh yeah like a frw hours ago"

I shrugged.

The white uniforms burst out laughing from the corridor.

"Oi what the fuck Lachlan??? You just face planted that wall" said a dude

"Hahaha yeah that was an accident"

"Lemme come over there!" Said the same guy as footsteps came toward us.

"Wait no im with Bitchney" he called out to the people in the white uniforms around the corner.

"Oh hey bitchney!!" Said a girl from around the corner.

I looked at Lachlan in fear and he returned it.

I let out a high pitched laugh "hahahaah yeah im a slut" i told them, imitating bitchney.

"Of course you are" the girl replied.

"Listen, you have to leave and now!"

"What why?" I asked, it was rather fun being at school behind hours.

"Because im in a vampire gang, you know my best friend, Samuel who you met. Well he tried to kill you and his here tonight"

I was shocked.

THESE PEOPLE WERE VAMPIRES???? i srsly wouldnt have connected the dots. They were all so clever.

I shivered in fear.

"Is that why you broke up with me? And i didnt know Samuel tried to kill me I only thought he looked like the guy that was trying to kill me WHAT THE FUK. does this mean your a vampire too? Does this mean bitchney is a vampire as well? Why r yous wearing white uniforms???"

He stared at me, an annoyed expression on his face "yes i needed to protect u and make it seem like i didnt give a shit about you. Yes samuel tried to kill u. Yes im a vampire. Yes bitchney is too and because we go to night time classes at this school" he finally finished, god he talked so much.

"Oh okay" i said.


"HEY YOUR NOT HUMAN!" i realised I probably shouldnt have screamed that at a gang of vampires as soon as they started chasing after me.

I turned around screaming as I ran as fast as I could down the hallway.

This was bad this was bad this was so bad omg!

Suddenly as I was running, Tiffany stepped out of a side corridor and in the middle of the corridor i was running down.

She had stakes in her hands. Garlic entwined in her hair and massive machine guns plastered onto her back and amunition across one of her shoulders in a strap.

I slide past her on the ground, she hardly even glanced at me. Wow she looked so bad ass.

"Come at me Bitches" she said then let out a maniac laugh.

I looked toward me, focusing on getting the hell out of here.

Then the scream of Tiffany filled my ears, i looked behind me to see that she was being dog piled by vampires.

Great now they were armed.

I turned around to run again and saw that there was a white uniform standing in front of me. I went to scream but he put his hand onto my mouth and his eyes turned purple.

"You will forget all of this"

And i did.

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