What I Least Expected

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I walked in to the the room that Kai'Yaire stayed in and heard someone say "Shhh! 'Lil man it's your daddy I just came to see you and tell you I love you and that I'm so very sorry for not being there for you and your mommy like I should've been. But I want you to know from here on out I will be there for you man. You're a strong 'lil dude and I love you so much. When you're old enough I want you to protect your mommy because daddy won't always be there and it's nobodies fault but mine I messed up man I didn't mean to." At first I didn't recognize the voice but when I walked further into the room I seen the last person I thought I'd see here sitting at the incubator talking to his son. "Low" I called out just above a whisper he turned and looked at me with eyes full of hurt, nervousness, and sorrow. My hand flew up to my mouth and tears beat the brink of my water lines threatening to fall. I slowly backed up from the room. I didn't want to see him right now I had finally figured out what had happened and it really hurt me. I had so many questions like; "Why is he here?", "Is this the first time he's came to see my son?" "What's his point of being here?" "How could he let this happen to us?" I thought he loved us by the time I reached the door tears were rapidly streaming down face. "Kai'Yanne stop! Please don't run from me let me explain to you first. Kai'Yanne please just don't leave without hearing me out!" He pleaded I.... I.. Ca.. C.. Can't L... Low, I just can't I gotta go" I choked out and turned and ran to my room trying to be cautious of my stitches.

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