I Fucked Up

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Love in the m/m

After being told off by Love, Low through the stuff he bought her onto the bed and walked out. I just sat on the floor thinking I knew Love wouldn't be back til later on tonight. I found her notebook and a pen I flipped to blank page and started to write her a apology letter

The letter
I know my choice of words offended you and I am so sorry for hurting you and your feelings. I never meant for it to come off as me wanting something from you or that I was expecting something in return because that has never been the case. I do truly love you, you are my bestfriend and my daughter's GOD mother, that little girl adores you. You're all she ever talks about it's adorable. I can't loose you Love I just can't and I'm not allowing you to just walk about my life so easily it'll crush me if you weren't my bestfriend anymore and it'll crush Love anymore if she wasn't to see her Tee Tee Love due to my fuck ups. Anything I bought for you or gave to you was a gift and I don't want any of it back nor do I want anything from it I did it because I wanted to. I know you don't want to be around me right not so I'm going to leave you alone for a while so you can clear you head. I promised Love that she could spend Christmas with her Tee Tee so I'm going to bring her up her and have nurse Harper escort her to your room. I wanted make your Christmas the best it could be with you circumstances at hand so I hope you enjoy everything. I just want you to know that I love you so much and I never meant to hurt you Kai'Yanne I truly didn't and I never meant to make you feel as if you can't depend on me that's what I am for. It wasn't meant for you to take it that way nor seem that way I promise I only said it to make Langston feel less than a person for teaching like shit, but in the mist of that I made myself feel like shit and I hurt and lost one of the most important people in my life. Please just don't completely give up on our friendship. If you can't deal with us anymore as a whole please don't abandon my baby or keep Ki'Yaire away from us she'd be crushed if you took her baby brother away without an explanation. Pleased Kai'Yanne just give me another chance.  I Love you Kai'Yanne Love Lucas with all my heart
            - Braxton

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