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Kai's POV

* A month later *

Let me fill y'all in on a few things, Ki'Yaire has finally been able to come home from the about 2 weeks ago. We are in the process of packing my condo and shipping our things to our new home in Georgia. Over the last month or so things have been kind of hectic, I haven't talked to Langston, his mother, nor his siblings since our last altercation which isn't a bad thing. I haven't been worried about anything or anyone other than Ki'Yaire and Love those two are my main focus and ONLY priority. My career even has taken a back seat because my children comes first. I know y'all are wondering what happened after i told Braxton about what Love and I talked about and them him walking away from me, so here it is.... After Braxton left me in the hallway without any other words other than "Love I can't let you take my baby from me nor can I let you and Ki' leave y'all are all I got without y'all I am nobody" I stood in the hallway and cried for about 10 minutes until I got the strength to walk out the hospital to get some fresh air. I haven't talked to Braxton since that day at the hospital. When I got back in my room they were all laying together sleep so I took a picture of them and then laid on the couch and went to sleep. When I woke up Braxton was gone along with Love, Ki was in his bassinet and I was in the bed. There was a letter on the night stand that read...


I don't know where to start nor what to say, but just know that I love you and my kids with all of my heart and I can't fantom waking up and knowing y'all aren't laying next to me let alone not in the same state as me. Love y'all are my world and the air that I breathe I do everything for y'all please don't leave and take them from me. I know that I haven't been the best father to Love nor have I been The best best friend to you, but I swear if you give me some time I'll make everything right just don't give up on me Kai'Yanne. If shit doesn't change in the next month I will go to the court and tell them you have primary custody of Love and for Catalina to not have any contact with you all . I know that you wouldn't keep her from me nor would you steer her in the wrong direction. I know that you'll teach her how to be the best woman that she can possibly be because of how used to watch her the past two years. Thank you for everything you've done for me and put up with for us. You are an amazing woman who I adore and who and who I watch my daughter admire. I'm kind of losing shit to say so i'll end this with saying I love you Love. Call me whenever you need me and you know I'm coming.

Love you baby girl,

FATZ! ❤️

I haven't heard from him since then, but I see Love every day. I took off my grandmothers house one day and never brought her back and no one has been looking for her, so we just go about our lives. Make sure she goes to school every day and that she doesn't want for anything. She asksfor Braxton all the time and when she does I call One of his stores one of the restaurant to see if he's there , and if he is I take her to see him. I'm assuming he doesn't ask any questions about her whereabouts because I'm pretty sure he knows. That's pretty much it. Love's third birthday is in two weeks, February 16 . She's not having a big party since I have no contact with her mother's family and Brexton's Family isn't speaking to me, so I'm throwing her a little party with a few of her classmates and my nephew and niece. She super excited about her party and so am I. She wanted to invite her dad so I emailed him and invitation and I left an invitation in his mailbox at the restaurant when I went to go check on things , so we'll see if he shows up. But Ki has been doing really good, gaining weight, and he's just an overall happy baby I love him so much. Love isbso obsessed with her baby brother, she wants to do everything for him it's so cute. She feeds him, she sings him to sleep, and she lays on the floor with him during tummy time The cutest thing ever. I love my kids with my whole heart I can't see how anyone could want to cause either one of them harm they are so beautiful and so happy. It may be be hard at times, but I couldn't ask for a better life. Things will be perfect until I hear from FATz that's the only thing keeping us here in Detroit.

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