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Lauren POV

I sat in the corner the whole time being at the hospital because I really don't agree with Kai'Yanne's decision to move to another state and keep my nephew away from us, but I do understand her reason being that my my 'lil brother hasn't done anything for his son since he's was conceived which isn't fair to her or Ki'Yaire. I just want to have a one on one conversation with her to see where her head is fully, regardless of how Langston acts towards her she should still try to force Ki'Yaire into his life. I just don't like that she's trying to jus up and leave with him and not look back. I didn't want to see my nephew hooked up to all those tubes and monitors it would break my heart knowing that he could not live due to grown people acting like children. Morgan and Lexi we're excited to see their nephew, but they weren't able to see him because he was going through some procedures this morning. Kai'Yanne showed them a picture of him and they asked so many questions "Why did he have to be hooked up like that?" "Is he okay?" "Is it my brother's girlfriend fault he's in here like that?" I seen Kai'Yanne tense up to that question but she's very patient she smiled and answered all of their questions to the best of her ability for children to understand. "Kai can I talk to you outside for a second?" I asked she smiled and nodded she told the kids to behave and that we'd be back. We walked into the hallway and she kept her eyes on the children from the door. "Kai'Yanne why are you taking Ki'Yaire out of state in order to keep him away from his father? I know that you and Low aren't on the best of terms right now, but what is your reason for leaving? What will this solve?" I asked she laughed and said "Are you serious right now? You're acting as if I'm in the wrong for wanting to number 1 raise MY son outside of Detroit and Michigan as a whole and number 2 not wanting to deal with your selfish ass brother and his childish ass ways. I WILL NOT allow Langston to do what our fathers did to us to Ki'Yaire and I don't care who thinks it's not fair it's how it's going to be. That nigga hasn't done anything for my son since I told him that I was pregnant with his son. In the beginning he was all "happy" and "smiles" then that bitch came along and then he wasn't so happy anymore he stopped calling and checking on us because he was too busy fucking that dirty broad. Now I'm in this hospital with my son who is fighting for his life I'm assuming because of his jealous ass girlfriend isn't that correct? So what will it solve you ask? It'll solve the heart ache my son will endure because of your stupid ass brother! It'll solve me having to hear my son ask me "Where's my daddy?" Or even "Why won't my daddy come get me when he says he is?" It'll avoid me staying up at night with my crying child because he feels neglected by a man who is feeding him bullshit!Merry Christmas Lauren" with that she walked back into the room and played with the kids for a while longer.

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