Here Goes Nothing

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Low's POV
Low in the m/m

I'm finally back in Detroit and it's time to go give Kai'Yanne the answers she deserves. I've been running from my priorities for way too long as Kai'Yanne would tell me. I only been back for about an hour. I was gonna stop by my moms crib, but I decided against it and headed straight to the hospital. When I pulled up I parked next to Kai'Yanne's Jeep that looked like it hasn't been touched in days. I went to the receptionist and said "Hi I'm Kai'Yanne Lucas's baby father and I was wondering if you could you tell me what room they are in?" "Yes sir, your son is in the NICU still the floor he's on is 3 and his room is 315 and Ms. Lucas is in 425 on the 2nd floor" she answered while looking at the computer screen "Thank You" and with that I went to the gift shop and bought Kai'Yanne flowers, a fruit basket, a teddy bear and an apology card. I bought my son a blanket and a teddy bear and headed up to third floor. I wanted to see baby K first because I knew that Kai'Yanne and I was gonna wind up arguing and I was gonna get pissed off and leave. "Hi sir who are you coming to visit" a older lady asked me once I walked into the NICU. "My son Ki' Ford" I said proudly "Sir there's no baby with the last name Ford what's his mothers name?" She asked me "Kai'Yanne Lucas" I huffed I couldn't believe she didn't give my son my last name she was being mad childish man I swear she was. "Oh yes you're looking for the 'lil dude Ki'Yaire right this way" she said I followed her to an incubator were there laid tiniest baby I ever seen in my life. He had all kind of tubes hooked up to him in his nose, through his chest, and something on his wrist and foot. It brought tears to my eyes seeing him laying there looking so helpless. I went to wash my hands and came back and say in a chair right in front of him. I went to touch his hand and he started hollering. I didn't know what to do I told maybe I was hurting him so I took my hand away and tried to console him by talking to him. "Shhh! 'Lil man it's your daddy I just came to see you and tell you I love you and that I'm so very sorry for not being there for you and your mommy like I should've been. But I want you to know from here on out I will be there for you man. You're a strong 'lil dude and I love you so much. When you're old enough I want you to protect your mommy because daddy won't always be there and it's nobodies fault but mine I messed up man I didn't mean to

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