I'll Be Modelling With Them

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"Oh" they just said

"So the younger sister he's referring to during his interview is you?" Kris asked

"Yes" I answered

"Daebak'' remarked Lay

"I wouldn't worry even if my popularity fades then because you are here to hire me Alisk" D.O joked and I just smiled while the others just laughed

The awkward silence was broken by D.O's simple joke.

"Noona I think we should ask manager hyungs if we could have a one day rest once we finish filming our music video so that we can celebrate and tour you around" Kai suggested

"That's a great idea" Tao agreed and they high fived

"It's okay, meeting you again is more than enough for me and if ever they will let you have a day off it is better if you'll rest that day and gain your strength back. I know how hard you've been working for your fans" I said

"But noona.." Sehun argued but Suho cut him off

"She's right guys besides after that music video filming we need to prepare for our upcoming concerts"

"Can we invite her to come tomorrow at our photo shoot then hyung please?" Tao asked

"Yeah right she can come watch us right and then we can all eat lunch together?" Chen added

"Besides I think manager hyungs and our staffs won't mind" Xiumin said

"If it's okay with her" Suho answered

"Please noona say yes?" Sehun and Kai said while acting cutely

"Okay, okay. What time and where?"

"9 a.m and at 110-420 Seoul Teukbyeolshi Jongno-gu Gwansu-dong 122 Doulos Building"Answered Kris

"Okay i'll come"

"Asa!"Tao happily said

"It's midnight already aren't you going home to rest you still have your photo shoot tomorrow?" I asked them

"No. We actually practice until 2 a.m"answered Suho

"Yeah and seeing our fans' happy smiles every time we perform at stage it's worth all the hardships we've gone through" Sehun added

I don't know what to say besides i'm afraid that when I speak I might cry. They are risking their health for their fans and for their dreams. They really deserve the love and support of the million people rooting for them. My respect for them became stronger.

"You don't need to stay up late if you're tired noona" Kai said

"Yeah, you should go home and have your beauty rest" Tao agreed

"She doesn't need one because she's already beautiful" Suho remarked which made me blush

Kris and Chanyeol made a gagging sound, Luhan jokingly punched Suho's arm while the others laughed. I just bowed my head because i'm embarrassed.

"Is it okay if i'll stay for a bit and watch you practice? I promise I won't be in the way." I asked them when they were done teasing Joon Myeon oppa

"It's okay noona but Joon Myeon hyung might not be able to concentrate" replied Tao

"Why?" I asked

"Because you'll be there watching him" he answered and they all laughed while Joon Myeon and I just bowed our heads

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