Their Approval

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"Hello Sir, Good morning" The gaurd greeted me as he opened the gate

"Good Morning."

"Joon Myeon hello, welcome to our home."

"Hello auntie i'm sorry if my visit is kind of abrupt."

"Nonsense, you're always welcome here anytime. Anyways have you eaten already?"

"Yes auntie."

"How about a snack, refreshment?"

"Water would be fine." I answered and she instructed a maid on stand by to bring us some.

"I'm sorry, it's your first time to visit yet I'm the only one around. Rellium and your uncle are out of the moment but they'll be back for lunch. As for Zoline, she went to get the twins at the kindergarten."

Zoline is Alisk's sister-in-law. I'm currently at their house right now.

"I understand auntie, there's no need for you to apologize."

"You may go and rest while we wait for them. I'll show you to your room."

"Auntie if it's okay with you, can I just use Alisk's room?"

"Yeah sure." She said and smiled at me

"Her room is the same way as she left it. Here you go, if you need anything i'll just be at the kitchen. Don't be surprised too much of how it looks like inside."

"Thank you auntie."

I opened the door and entered. Whoa!!!! So this is what auntie meant by that statement. Alisk's room is like an art gallery, EXO's gallery. The wall is nicely decorated with our posters and the ceiling is painted with our logo. On her bedside table there was a picture of us together with the members, each of us holding a strawberry. The other one is just the two of us. Seeing these pictures brought a smile to my lips.


"Joon Myeon wake up, it's time to eat lunch is served."

"Yes auntie, just a moment."

"It's just been a week since you got discharged from the army, I thought you were preparing for your comeback?"

"You sure know a lot about my schedule, are you keeping tabs on me Rellium?" I teased

"Of course not, I just happen to watch it on the news. Anyways does my sister know that you're here?"

"No and I hope that you'll help me keep it from her."

"It depends on your reason of being here. So spill the beans, i'm sure you didn't just travel here to chit chat."

"Rellium let's eat first, leave the questioning later." Alisk's father interrupted

"He's right Rellium, let Joon Myeon enjoy the food.'' Aunt Franchesca added

"Yeah right, I'm sorry"

After we're done eating we resumed chatting at the living room. They asked me to tell them about my life at the army and I'd been more than happy to do so. But that doesn't 'cover' the real reason why i'm here.

"So Joon Myeon why did you go to the trouble of coming here despite your busy schedule?" Rellium once again asked

"I'm planning on proposing to Alisk but I want to talk to you before I do that."

"You're what..????"

"Auntie, Uncle, Rellium, Zoline I want to marry Alisk. I know she cares a lot about you guys so I want to gain your approval first before I propose to her."

"Oh my God!!" Aunt Franchesca muttered and covered her mouth. Zoline, Alisk's sister-in-law smiled at me while her father and brother just stared at me.

"I don't have any objection as long as Alisk will agree." Uncle Aleandro said after a while. But as he said that Rellium stood up and left without saying anything.

"Rellium!!" His wife called for him but he didn't listen

"I'm sorry, i'll go see what's wrong." She said and went after her husband

"Don't worry about him Joon Myeon, he'll surely come around." Aunt Franchesca soothed

We chatted for a while before someone called for Uncle Aleandro and Aunt Franchesca so I was left alone. I wanted to go talk to Rellium but I don't know where he went so I decided to explore the house while waiting for their return.

"This used to be my sister's hiding place when she was young." Someone spoke from behind me. I was at a part of their backyard covered with different kind of flowers.

"One day she pulled a prank on her tutor, she was afraid to be scolded so she hid here. She was nine at that time, they looked for her everywhere but they were not able to find her. My parents thought she was kidnapped so they called the police but the police can't do much either as she was last seen here inside our house and our neighbors haven't seen anything suspicious or whatsoever. Besides the CCTV footage at the entrance shows no sign of anyone suspicious entering or leaving the house. I skipped school and came home right away when I heard the news from my mother. It had been five hours already but we haven't received any calls from her kidnappers yet and then I remembered her telling me about a place here where she used to hide when she wants to eat something which our mother prohibits or when she doesn't want to listen to her tutor. I came to check and I found her here soundly asleep. She was scolded of course but not because of what she did to the tutor but because of worrying us. She used to be so mischievious, she even involve me sometimes in her pranks and everytime i'm the one who is scolded in the end."


"I'm not against you marrying my sister, it's just came as a shock. I've witnessed her grow, I've been always there for her and I just can't believe that she's grown up now and she finally found someone whom she can rely on aside from us. I'm sorry for walking out a while ago."

"I understand.''

"If ever she agrees to marry you, how about your career?"

"I'm planning on quitting being an idol. This year's world tour will be my last stage performance."


"Yeah. I've been thinking about it for the past three years that i've been in the army."

"But if your only reason for quitting is Alisk then I think she won't approve."

"I know but I just don't want her to suffer once again like before."

"If you're talking about what your fans did to her, don't you think you quitting because of her will cause her more suffering. She thinks I don't know about her being bashed for being in a relationship with you but she's wrong, I'm so much aware but I can see how happy she is when she's with you so I chose to keep quiet about it. I know that my sister loves you and I can see that you do the same so whatever your decision and her answer is i'll respect it. I just have one condition, never hurt her."

"Thank you."

"Don't thank me, I only want to see my sister happy."


"Hello oppa, why did you call?"

"Alisk tomorrow is your day off right?"

"Yes oppa why?"

"Can we meet, I have something to tell you?"

"Sure oppa, but don't you have any practice tomorrow?"

"We're taking a break."

"Oh okay, can't you just tell me on the phone."

"No. See you tomorrow then Alisk. Bye."

"Bye oppa, I love you." I said but the call is already disconnected.

Was that really Joon Myeon oppa whom I have spoken to. He seemed weird, I wonder if something's wrong. He usually says I love you before he hungs up but today he didn't. He sound so serious and cold too. Did he got tired of me already? Don't tell me he wants to meet to break up with me..

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