His Parents

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I didn't know meeting a boyfriend's parents is this scary. My hands are trembling because of nervousness. I am currently waiting for Joon Myeon to pick me up. I don't have enough sleep because all I could think of is my meeting with Joon Myeon oppas parents. He said they'll surely like me but that didn't help me from getting worried.

"Alisk relax, I am sure my parents will like you." Suho oppa assured for the hundredth time and held my hand

"I trust you oppa but I can't help myself from worrying. It's your parents that i'm meeting."

"Should we just reschedule this for another day then?"

"No oppa, i'll be fine besides it'll be rude to them if we cancel for the last moment. I don't want to make a reason for them not to like me."


"Omo! Joon Myeon you're here early, I'm not done preparing the food yet." A middle aged woman came and greeted us

"Hello mom, I missed you" Joon Myeon said and hugged her

"Aigoo, if you missed me then you should come home often" her mother said

"Ah mom, I want you to meet my girlfriend Alisk Allithrine" Joon Myeon oppa introduced me as he held my hand

"안녕하세요 어머님" I greeted her as I bowed 90 degrees

"Omo! Such a beautiful young lady, nice to meet you." her mother said. I was taken aback by her reaction, it's not what I expected. But I was glad that her mother is so nice, my nervousness is slowly fading now.

"By the way mom, where's dad?"

"He's in his study" His mother answered

"We'll just go say hi to him first." Joon Myeon said

I handed the present I brought to his mother before we went to his father's study.

"Dad, we're here"

"Oh! Hello, you're here already." His dad said as he stood up and hugged Joon Myeon oppa

"I missed you dad."

"Aigoo, that is why you should come home often." His dad chastised, seeing them together made me think of my family at home. I miss them too.

"Sorry dad it's just that we'd been busy."

"Aigoo.. Who is this beauty, is this her?" He asked and directed his gaze at me. His father is quite intimidating.

"Yes dad, i'd like you to meet my girlfriend Alisk Allithrine"

"안녕하세요 아버님" I said and bowed 90 degrees

"Oppa, 아버님 i'll just go help 어머님 in the kitchen." I excused myself and left them there to talk

"어머님 how may I help you?" I asked Joon Myeon oppa's mother

"Oh dear it's okay, i'm almost done here." She answered

"Then is it okay if i'll stay here and watch what you do?"

"Sure, why not"

"감사합니다 어머님 (Thank you mother)"

"Alisk씨 is it okay if I ask how you and my son met?"

"Oh it's okay 어머님. I was their group's fan for four years and Joon Myeon oppa was my bias. We first met more than two years ago when they had a concert at the Philippines and they were given two days vacation. They've chosen to spend that two days at Baguio, that is where I came from. We coincidentally met in a mall and I've become their tour guide for their stay there. Four months ago we met again and that's when we started dating."

"Oh so you were that girl that he'd been talking about before. He even have a picture of you in his room here, i'll show it to you later. I was not able to recognize you, you've grown a lot." she said

"Joon Myeon oppa talked about me?" I asked, shocked

"One time when he came home I caught him staring at your photo so I asked him about it. I'm so glad that you met each other again"

"Me too 어머님, I'm so lucky to have met him again."

"This is ready can you help me set up the table?"

"네 어머님(yes mother)"


"She's such a good mannered kid, her parents brought her up well. You should probably go join them, your mother have been looking forward to meeting her and she might scare her."

As my father had said I followed Alisk to the kitchen but they seemed to be getting along well. Alisk is smiling widely while talking to my mother and my mother has a smile of her own. I don't want to interrupt whatever they're talking about so I decided to go back at my father's study.

"Oh, why did you return?"

"They seemed to be having fun and I don't want to interrupt" I answered

"Is that so" he remarked, I was not sitted yet when Alisk came knocking on the door saying that the food is ready.

"Alisk씨 are you here with your parents?" My mother asked as she sipped on her tea. We just finished eating lunch.

"No 어머님 i'm here alone, my parents are at the Philippines."

"Are you here on vacation?" She asked once again

"No 어머님 i'm here to work but that is if i'll pass the competition or test that will be conducted next week."

"Really? What kind of competition is that?"

"It's a cooking competition 어머님."

"Why do you need to pass that competition? Can't you just work here without passing it?"

"It's the condition my father gave me, they were against me coming here and working/living on my own but I want to apply what I learned and to make a career of my own. They only agreed with me with the condition that i'll pass that competition, if I don't then i'll return home."

"If I were your father i'd do the same. What parent would allow his/her child to live away from them. But I admire you with your decision to work and not totally depend on your parents. Many young people your age are like that." my mother commented

"By the way what does your parents do?" My father asked

"My father is helping my brother run the family business and my mother as of the moment is helping my sister-in-law raise my niece and nephews."

"They own the Galaxia Hotel and Restaurant chains" I added

"Is that so? You came from a well-off family yet you still want to work. You're parents must be so proud to have a daughter like you." my mother said. Alisk smiled at her and bowed her head, she must be embarrassed again. I don't know why she doesn't want being praised/complimented when what they're saying is the truth.

"어머님, 아버님 I prepared a song for you, I hope you'll like it." Alisk said and stood up in front of us. I didn't know that she made such preparations, she never mentioned it to me.


"Where did you learn that song?" Suho oppa asked on our way home

"Internet" I simply answered

"How did you know about it?" He asked again

"I asked Chaewon unnie to give me some tips on what to do and she recommended it to me."

"Chaewon noona?"

"Yes, you're not angry that I asked her right?"

"No, i'm glad that you're getting along well with the people whom I consider as my friends."

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