Sehun's Accident

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When I arrived at our dorm the members are there with our six managers but I don't see Sehun around. Worry is written in each of their faces.

"Is something wrong?" I asked

"Sehun had an accident?" Luhan was the one who answered

"What? Is it serious?" 

"No, just minor scratches and a sprained ankle. The doctor said he just need some rest." Manager Cha said

"What exactly happened?"

"We were cycling when a boy suddenly came out of nowhere, Sehun tried to avoid hitting him and he ended up crashing on a bush." Luhan answered

"Where is he right now?"

"He's currently resting in his room." Kris

"How about the boy, how was he?"

"He's unharmed" Manager Lee said

"Your concert will push through but sad to say Sehun won't be able to accompany you guys. We already discussed it to him." Manager Seong told us

We just nodded at what Manager Seong said.

"I hope Sehun doesn't feel bad about not being able to accompany us" D.O said when our managers finally left

"He surely does, he'd been looking forward to performing live for our fans." Luhan

"I'll go talk to him" I told them and headed to the room I share with Sehun

"Sehun are you awake?"

"Uhm Suho hyung, why?"

"I came to check up on you, we are worried"

"I'm fine hyung, stop worrying. How was your date?"

"Are you sure you are fine? It went well."

"Yes hyung i'm fine, promise. That's all you're going to say about your date?" Sehun asked but before I could answer my phone rang


........"Oppa I was just watching the news and it says that Sehun got in an accident. Is he okay?"

......."It was on the news already? Sehun's fine. He's here with me, do you want to talk to him?"

......."May I?"

"Sehun, Alisk wants to talk to you" I turned to Sehun and handed him my phone

......."Noona hello"

I silently exited the room and returned to the living room where the guys are.

"Hyung how is Sehun?" D.O asked

"He said he's fine"

"That's good to hear, why did you leave him? Is he sleeping?" Baekhyun asked

"No. He's talking to Alisk right now"

"Yeah right, how was your date?" Lay asked

"It went well" was my answer

"Come on hyung, is that all your going to say?" Tao complained but I just smiled at them


....."Noona hello" Sehun cheerfully answered on the other line

....."Are you really fine? You were not seriously hurt right? What did the doctor say?"

......"Whoa noona one question at a time please. Aside from a sprained ankle and minor scratches i'm totally fine. The doctor said I just need some rest and not to put too much strain on my sprained ankle."

......"It's good to know that you're fine but how about your concert?" I asked

......"I won't be able to make it, i'll be staying here at our dorm until my ankle heals"

....."Who will stay with you?"

......"No one, besides the guys will be away for two days only and I think i'll be fine on my own"

....."How are you going to cook for your meals, the doctor said not to put strain on your sprained ankle"

....."I'll just get it delivered. I'll be fine noona so stop worrying"

....."How can I not worry when I've been your fan for four years now. I'm sure i'm not the only one worrying right now. I'll talk to Manager Lee if it's okay if I can go there and cook meals for you."

....."But noona aren't you going to accompany Joon Myeon hyung to China and Japan?"

....."I'll talk to him later about it. I'm sure he'll understand"

.....Okay noona, thank you"

...."There's no need to thank me. It's already late you should probably rest now."

...."Okay noona, bye."


'What i'm doing is nothing compared to what you've done to me. You changed my life, you gave color to my dull world. You guys served as one of my inspirations, every time i'm down all I have to do is listen to your songs and i'll be energized. Every time I feel sad and I can't confide in my friends and my family your posters comforted me. I'm thankful to you guys so let me just do my best to help you in any way I can.' I thought to myself when I ended the call.

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