Her Parents

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"Hyung did you wear a bulletproof vest?" Chen asked when I told them that i'm alrady going out

"Why should I?" I asked back

"For protection what else." Baekhyun was the one who answered

"Protection from what?" I asked again because I really don't get what they're saying. But instead of answering me they all burst out laughing

"Protection from her father and brother hyung." Chanyeol said when they sobered up

"You're dating their princess so it's best if you meet them prepared." Luhan added

"Will they really shoot me?"

"Don't be rattled Suho they're just teasing you." Kris joined the conversation

"I thought so but i'm really nervous now"

"You can do it, you managed to perform in front of million fans so i'm sure you can face them without a problem too." Lay hyung said

"Just be yourself and be confident hyung you'll be fine." Sehun

"Thank you everyone, i'm off now. I don' want to be late, bye."


"This is so sudden, why didn't you inform me before you showed up here?" I asked them

"Why, are you not happy to see us? We've never seen each other for four months and that's the first thing you are going to tell us." my brother said

"Of course i'm happy it's just that you're arrival was a surprise. You could have atleast informed me in advance that you're going to visit." I reasoned

"Enough with that already. We missed you." My mother said and hugged me. It was good that she stopped us or else our 'argument' could have continued for god only knows how long. It had been a habbit, we'll only cease bickering if we'll be stopped by either our mother, father or his wife or if one of us admit defeat/give up. It's childish but that's how we are.

"I missed you too." I said and hugged each and everyone of them. My niece and nephews are asleep so I just gave them a kiss on the cheek

"So tell us more about your man." My mother excitedly said when we finally settled down

"Father and I are her men mom, you can't consider that guy her man yet until~~~" my brother said but stopped when my mother glared at him

They knew I had a boyfriend, I called and told them before. My brother and father almost flew here to 'confront' him but I asked my mother and sister-in-law to stop them. I was thankful that they were able to because I'm afraid that they might scare Suho away.

"I know you've already heard about it from the news....... he's an idol, he belongs to the boy group EXO. As you all know i've been in love with him since I was still a student. We've been together for more than four months already. I already met his parents. He's nice and I really love him. So dad, big bro please behave when we'll be going to meet him later."

''I don't know about dad but as for me I can't promise that i'll be nice to him." my brother answered

"I'll try" my father added

"Congratulations by the way for passing the competition" my sister-in-law said diverting the topic, she might have sensed that i'm about to argue with my brother and father once again

"Thank you sis" I said and smiled at her which she returned

"By the way you already called him right?" My brother asked

"Yes, we'll be meeting him four hours from now."

"Well then i'll just go take a nap, it might help me be nicer to him." He said and left us there

"Me too" my father said and followed my brother but I know they're just gving us women some time alone

"How are you and Joon Myeon? I've been meaning to ask you this but I can't because of them." my sister-in-law inquired when my father and brother are out of sight. My father and brother are not aware that I am being bashed by Joon Myeon's fans and I mean to keep it that way.

"We're fine, there are a lot of fans who are against us and who kept on sending hate messages but we're getting through it together. I'm a hypocrite if I say i'm not having a hard time but I need to be strong for10:49 AM 4/18/2016 us, for him especially that he's the one who is more affected. Though he's saying that he's okay I know deep inside he's hurting too and it pains me that I can't do anything to help him."

"Just stay by his side and never leave him. Some of his fans might have abandoned him but don't do the same, just keep on supporting him." My mother said and hugged me

"Thank you, thank you for being here." I told them but they just hugged me tighter


"Everyone i'd like you to meet my boyfriend Kim Joon Myeon. Oppa this is my mother, father, brother and his wife, my niece and my twin nephews" Alisk introduced us

"Nice to meet you" I said and bowed at them

"Nice to meet you too son" Her mother said and smiled warmly so with her sister-in-law while his brother and father just nodded at me.

Her father and brother took change in asking me questions during the meal. I was like a criminal being interrogated, Alisk kept on protesting and stopping them but I told her it's okay. I was nervous all throughout but with Alisk beside supporting me I was able to overcame it.

"I'll let you date my sister but once you make her cry you're going to regret it. Idol or not i'll come after you." was her brother's parting words, the way he said it is quite scary but I was glad that I got his approval

"Just take care of her, that's all i'm asking." Her father told me, I bowed at him in response

"Nice meeting you once again." Her mother and sister-in-law said

"Oppa I apologize about my brother and father. I'm sorry too that I won't be able to spend some time with you today as i'm going to spend it with them, they'll be staying here for a week. I'll miss you and I love you."

"You don't need to apologize they've done nothing wrong. It's okay, you've never seen each other for a long time so enjoy, besides we'll be busy this week because we'll be filming for the remaining 2 episodes. I'll miss you and I love you too." I said and kissed her on the cheek.

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