A Cancelled Date?????

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"Alisk once the ingredients are all mixed consistently, rub the marinade generously over the meat."

"I got it Chef Yang"

"Remember not to add too much gochujang*"

"Yes, Chef Yang"

"Ah Alisk don't forget that next week is the competition already. I'm sure you can do it, you have the skill"

"Thank you Chef Yang" I replied and smiled at him.

It had been two months already since I started to work for him. The competition he mentioned will be held here, it's kind of a test if a Chef is capable enough to work on his own and have his own assistant. It's like being promoted, if you failed you will continue to be an assistant Chef until the next competition. The competition is held once a year, the judges are the head Chefs, some of the employees and ten chosen costumers.

I really hope i'll pass, it's my only chance of staying here and being close with Joon Myeon. Talking about Joon Myeon I miss him already, we only see each other twice a week because of his busy schedule. We've been together for almost four months now and I can say we're going strong.


"Joon Myeon hyung when will we be able to see Alisk noona again?" Sehun asked out of the blue

"I don't know she's busy preparing for their upcoming competition" I answered, since his accident he and Alisk became closer.

"Aren't you going to meet her tomorrow? Hyung can I come please?"

"Aigoo Sehun a child like you is prohibited to interfere in adults business" Chanyeol teased

"And surely Alisk ssi won't appreciate a chaperon on their date." Kris added

"Excuse me everyone, the director said we'll resume with the shooting" a staff came and told us. We're currently shooting a web drama.


I was busy fixing the kitchen wares I used a while ago when my phone rang. When I looked at the caller's I.D it was my man who is calling. I put aside what I was doing, wiped my hands and answered his call.

"Hello Joon Myeon oppa, I missed you!!" I excitedly answered

"I'm sorry noona but i'm not Joon Myeon hyung. I missed you too though." said the person on the other line

"Sehun??" I confirmed

"Yes noona, they're filming Jon Myeon hyung's scene right now and he left his phone with me so I decided to call you."

"Is that so, how have you been? Are you guys doing well?"

"I've been fine, the guys are fine except for the fact that we miss you and your cooking"

"Really? It seems like you only miss my cooking and not me." I teased

"I'm serious noona we really miss you, I asked Joon Myeon hyung to bring me with him tomorrow when he meets you but he hadn't given me an answer yet so noona please may I?"

"Hmmm let me think about it." I said and then chuckled, I can already imagine his reaction.

"Noona, please. I'll only stay for an hour and then leave." he pleaded

"You're all free tomorrow right?" I asked instead

"Yes noona, we'll be finished filming around 3 in the afternoon and then the rest of the day was given for us to rest."

"Then how about this i'll come at your dorm and cook something for you again. You may invite your managers if they have time."

"Really noona?"

"Yes, besides I want to apply the things I learned and you guys will be my judge"

"Asa!! This is great news i'll relay it to the members later once we go home but how about Joon Myeon hyung."

"Don't tell him yet. I'll just tell him myself."

"Okay noona-"

......"Sehun it's your turn"

"Go, I think they're calling for you."

"Bye then noona, see you tomorrow"

"Okay, bye."

I was a little disappointed that it was not Joon Myeon but it's okay because I talked to the ever enthusiastic Sehun. He was like the little brother I never had. Thinking of seeing them tomorrow made me smile, but how do I tell this to Joon Myeon oppa?

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