Their Happy Ending Part 2

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Alisk somehow managed to convince me to go back to where our concert is being held.

"Suho why are you here? I thought you were at the hospital?" Manager Yang asked when I went to our dressing room.

"Alisk insisted that I should be here performing instead of staying by her side."

"Your wife don't fail to amaze me. By the way how is she?"

"She's fine hyung. She give birth to a boy and a girl."

"Congratulations to you, I know you'll be a great father."

"Thank you hyung."

"Joon Myeon hyung, you're here already?" Kai asked as each of them rushes to change their outfits

"How's noona?" Sehun

"She's fine"

"Suho we'll you be performing with them for the next part?" One of our staff asked


"Here's your outfit."

"Okay everybody, let's go"

As we reappeared on the stage the fans cheers became louder. This is it, the people who are the reason why our group is still intact. They're the reasons why we are still together. I am thankful to them and to Alisk for not letting me quit being an idol. Actually we sort of fought a little when I told her that I'm quitting. We're in the middle of planning for our wedding that time when I told her.


"Alisk I've been wanting to tell you that i'm planning on quitting being an idol."


"I thought about it a lot, I want to quit being one and just be a regular bussinessman."

"But why? You've worked hard for this. So why all of a sudden you're telling me that you're quitting."

"I don't want a repeat of what happened to you before.-"

"Oppa if you're talking about that kidnapping incident then please forget about your plan of leaving the music industry, that happened a long time ago already. If i'm the only reason that you're going to quit being an idol then I think it would be best if we cancel this wedding. It hurts for me to say this but if you insist on continuing with that plan of yours then I'll be the one to leave. You may think i'm being selfish, that i'm disregarding your feelings but if marrying me means you'll be forced to leave the dream you worked so hard for then let's not push through with this wedding. Oppa I love you, I love everything about you and that includes your music, your talent. It would make me guilty if your only reason of giving up your career is me. I'd understand it if your reason is different . Think about it again oppa if you quit now because of me will you really be happy? Do you think you'll be able to live with no regrets and without despising me? I'll leave you this ring and if you made up your mind then come see me, you know where to find me." She said as she handed me back the engagement ring I gave her.

That time I was angry at her, why can't she understand that i'm doing this for her? But after I had a long talk with my mother I come to understand Alisk's point, I came up with an answer to her questions. She's not being selfish, she's being considerate. Yes, i'll surely regret it and there's a possibility that i'll blame and learn to despise her because of it. So I went to look for her and resolved the misunderstanding I caused.


Looking at our fans now, I'm happy that I didn't quit. I'm happy that I met a wonderful woman who understood and supports me with my career. I know my work requires a lot of time but I'm thankful because Alisk never complain about it so I'm doing my best too to make it up with her. I'm so happy to have met her.


"Noona have you decided on their names already?" Sehun asked

We're all in my room, my parents who arrived three hours ago left with Joon Myeon oppa's to give us some space.

"Yes, they will be baptized as Kim Joon Seo and Kim Min Jae"

"Alisk you haven't forgotten what I told you right?" Kris said

"What is that?" My husband inquired

"If I could be one of their godfather's"

"Sure, why not. We've talked about it and we'll going to let you all be their godfathers." Joon Myeon told them

"Really, hyung? Wow, I'd be happy to." Tao excitedly said

"By the way where are they? Can we see them?" Xiumin asked

"They're at the nursery room. Yeah you may go see them, just one of the nurses to accompany you."

"Okay guys let's go and see whom they looks like the most." Baekhyun

"Surely it is Alisk, it will be a disaster if they look like Joon Myeon hyung.'' Chanyeol joked

"You're right Chanyeol.'' Chen added while the other's laughed. They haven't changed at all, they still like to tease and gang up on Joon Myeon.

"Come on guys, don't tease our leader he might retract his decision of making us his children's godfather.'' Luhan stopped them

"Luhan hyung's right guys." D.O seconded

"Let's go see them already I'm so excited." Lay

"Okay, okay.. See you later noona." Kai said and they left the room

"Thankfully they're gone now." Joon Myeon muttered

"Why is that?"

"They're so noisy and I want to have you all to myself." He said and winked at me

"Joon Myeon don't seduce me I just gave birth." I chided but he just laughed and hugged me.

I'm so happy and contented with what I have now, I can't wish for more. I'm Alisk Allithrine who is in love with that idol and this is my story. 

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