Their Happy Ending

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First of all I want to say thank you to all of you guys who spared a portion of your time to read this story. I know saying thank you won't suffice but still thank you to all of you. Your reads meant a lot, though my story is lacking in so many ways I hope that you somehow enjoyed reading it. I am really grateful to all of your reads and votes. Please look forward to my upcoming other stories as I'm planning on writing a fan-fic for all of EXO's members including Tao, Luhan and Kris. Once again thank you very much.



"Guys stand by, you are up after 10 minutes."

"Suho your mother called they rushed Alisk to the hospital. Go, we'll handle things here so don't worry."

"Hyung update us okay"

"We'll visit once we're done here."

"Sam will drive you to the hospital, he's at the entrance already."

"Thank you everyone." I said and bowed at them before rushing out.

Please let Alisk be okay, Oh God I beg you please let them be okay.

"Mom, Dad where is she?" I asked but they were not able to answer as a woman in a scrub suit came out of the E.R

"Is someone named Joon Myeon here, the patient had been calling your name?"

"I'm Joon Myeon, is my wife okay."

"She's fine sir, but I think it would be better if you'll be by her side. Mind if you come in with me."

"Alisk honey, i'm here."

"Why did you come, how about your-- Aaaahhhhh" She's not able to finish what she were saying and shrieked. Pain is written all over her face but I don't know what to do to relieve it so I just held her hand.

"Can't you give her anything to ease the pain?" I asked no one in particular

"No sir, she doesn't want to take any painkillers."

"Then do something please, she's hurting."

"Joon Myeon oppa, I'll be fineeee-- ahhhhhhh"

"Alisk I'm sorry it's my fault, it's my fault you're going through this."

"Don't apologize, we both wanted thiss--- ahhhhh"

"Keep pushing, you can do it Mrs. Kim. I can already see the head, give me a one strong push."

"Aaaaahhhhhhhhhh" All I can hear now is Alisk shriek followed by a baby's cry.

"It's a boy.'' the doctor announced

"Mrs. Kim please ready yourself to push for the second one."

"Do you want to hold him sir?" One of the nurse asked when they were done cleaning my son and wrapping him in a blanket

"Thank you" I whispered

"It's a girl, congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Kim." The doctor said and bowed at us

After thanking them, I was asked to step out for a minute for they will be preparing to transfer Alisk to her room.

"How are they son?" My mother asked

"They're fine mom, Alisk gave birth to a healthy baby boy and a girl." I happily informed them

"Congratulations son." My father said and hugged me


"Excuse me ma'am, it's time for the little ones' meal."

Two nurses came and brought our babies to my room. I was given a one hour rest while my babies are being examined. I thanked both of them and asked if they could leave the babies to us for a little while.

"They both have their daddy's lips and nose." My mother-in-law commented

"The rest of their features are from Alisk. They're so adorable." My father-in-law added

I'm already done feeding them and now they're being fussed upon by their grandparents. I was a little bit thankful that my parents are not here yet because if they are surely this hospital will turn into a party hall. Today wasn't my expected due date but I guess our babies wanted to come out and see the world already so I gave birth three days early.

"Thank you, for giving such adorable gift to me." my husband who was sitting beside my bed whispered. I just smiled at him and rested my head on his shoulders.

Everything feels so surreal, me marrying the man who used be my idol. The man whom I used to just admire from afar. I can't believe that he's my husband now and that i'm a mother to his children.

"Honey how was your concert?" I asked

"Oh god I totally forgot. I left as soon as I heard the news that you were rushed here and our concert haven't began that time yet.''

"What?? But why, I was thankful that you came but gosh Joon Myeon those people paid thousands for your ticket to see you perform so why did you leave.''

"Alisk I understand but how could I have focused on the performance knowing that you were here excreting my children's out of you."

"That makes sense. But I'm sure it's still on going so go and try to catch up even if it's for the last performance."

"But Alisk.."

"We'll be fine, Mom and dad are here too so don't worry besides i'm still exhausted with all that pushing so I'd just probably go to sleep."

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