Chapter 5

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When you get to your house, Liam parks in the driveway. "Hope you had a great time tonight. Maybe we can hang out again sometime soon," he winks at you. You roll your eyes and open the car door. As you're getting out, Liam grabs your arm. "shouldn't you be thanking me for something?" he asks. You look at him and say, "for what? making this the worst night of my life?" it really wasn't the worst night of your life, but you wanted to see his reaction. "see you later," he says while pushing you out and driving away. What. The. Fuck. You didn't really know what to think. You hated badboys, especially Liam. But for some odd reason, you were attracted to him and hoped to see more of him.

You walk up your porch steps and open the front door. You hadn't realized that it was already midnight, and as soon as you open the door, your parents were sitting in the living room. They were obviously waiting for you to get home so they could punish you. "where have you been?! It's midnight! you know that your curfew is 10:00!" says your mother. "I was just hanging out with some.. uh.. friends," you repond. "I've had enough of this, you're out of control! This has been the second time this week that you've come home late! NOW GO TO YOUR ROOM." your mom had always freaked out about little things like this. "whatever" you say as you walk upstairs to your room. "DONT BACK TALK YOUR MOTHER" says your dad as you walk away. You roll your eyes and slam the door. 

You walk over to your bed and lay down and turn on some music. Music was your only escape from the real world. It made you feel like you were in your own little drama-free world. You get on twitter and notice a few people had followed you. One of them being Liam. "you've got to be kidding me" you think to yourself. How did he even find my twitter? You go to his page and look through his stuff. From the looks of it, he was obviously a fan of some kind of screamo band. All of his tweets were retweets, except for his latest one. It said "met a hot babe today. hoping to meet up again soon ;)" oh god. was he talking about me? No, I doubt it. Maybe he met someone else today at school and he had totally forgotten about me. 

Your thoughts were interrupted when you get a text from a strange number. You open the text, and it reads, "babe I hope you had lots of fun tonight. since tomorrow is saturday, lets hang out again. ill pick you up at 6. be ready xx

You were definitely not ready.

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