Chapter 44

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A/N: I found a picture of Brooke and Liam! I attached the photo in the multimedia on the side if you wanna check it out:)




Everything is spinning. You can't think straight. Your thoughts were all over the place, and you couldn't control it. Liam and Niall were both in different rooms than you were, and you weren't even allowed to see them, since the doctor claimed that they were in "good hands".

Liam had lived. The doctors had to shock his chest to get a heartbeat. I guess after continuing this for roughly 20 minutes, it finally worked.

You were dying to see him, and Niall as well. You had been stuck in this hospital room for 3 days now, and you were already ready to leave. Even though you had some minor head trauma, and a few cuts and bruises, you still wanted to leave. You couldn't help but wonder why Liam and Niall had gotten so badly hurt, but you hardly had anything wrong with you? Why couldn't you have been the one to get hurt worse?

You jump as your cell phone starts vibrating on the bedside table. You weakly reach over, and find that your father was calling you.

The truth was, you haven't told your dad anything that had happened about all of this. You wanted to wait until you all were out of the hospital before you told him. But it looks like you didn't have a choice now.

"Hello?" you say through the speaker.

"Brooke? Where are you? Why aren't you at home? And where's Liam and Niall? Are you hurt?"

"Whoa, slow down dad," you laugh weakly, "I..I'm at the hospital."

You wait for his reaction.

"The hospital?! What happened?!"

You suck in a deep breath, "We got into a wreck. We're fine, dad. Don't worry."

"Brooke!" he yells, "why didn't you tell me? Why am I just now hearing about this?"

"Because I knew you would freak out like this."

There's silence on the other side of the line before he finally speaks again.

"I'm sorry. Well, at least tell me what room you're in?"

"318. 3rd floor."

"Okay, I'm on my way over."

You sigh a breath of relief as you hit the 'end call' button. You knew he would be freaking out like that, but I guess he had to find out sometime, right?

You lay your head back against the pillow and pull the thin sheet up to your chin before turning on the small TV and flipping through channels. Nothing interested you right now though. It would be more fun if Liam was here, lying right next to your side.

You lay there for 30 minutes, switching from staring at the TV, to staring up at the ceiling.

You hear a knock on the door, followed by the face of your father slowly opening it while peeking his head in.

"Hey, dad," you say, "come in."

He walks in, and Heather soon appears after him with a beautiful bouquet of roses.

"We got these for you sweetie," she kindly says and sits them down on the bed side table. You smile gently and thank both of them.

You father pulls up a chair next to the bed, while Heather stands at the end of the bed.

"Okay," he says, "I want to know what happened."

"I already told you. We got in a wreck. I don't know any other way to explain it."

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