Chapter 28

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"Babe, we really need to get our own place," Liam states as he pours a glass of orange juice for himself. You're taken off guard by his comment. He's never mentioned living together ever before. You're not really sure how to respond. You both already practically lived together at your house now anyways.

"Why... I mean, how would we pay bills? We don't even have jobs."

You start daydreaming about what it would be like to live with Liam. You would both wake up every morning, grab some coffee, sit at the table and talk for awhile, head off to work, and he would call you whenever you're at work on your lunch break and ask how you're day has been going, and when you both would get home that evening, you could cuddle up on the couch and watch movies until you fall asleep on his shoulder. Then he would carry you off to bed, and both of you would lay so close to each other and keep yourselves warm under piles of blankets.

If only life were that easy though.

"Well we probably need to start looking for jobs then." He says and sits down at the barstool with two pieces of toast on his plate and the glass of orange juice.

"What would my dad think? You know how he gets sometimes.." You trail off.

"Who the hell cares what he thinks? His opinion doesn't matter."

You turn your gaze away from Liam. His words hurt. Even though he didn't care what your dad thought, YOU still cared. Even though it feels like you haven't seen him in a month because he's never home, he would still flip if he found out you were getting a place and living together with Liam. But he would just have to get over it. You were an adult now, and it's about time that you move out and live on your own. Well, with Liam of course.

"But what if we have a fight and you kick me out or something?" A frown starts to appear on your face from the thought of Liam throwing you against a wall and screaming at you, then kicking you out after he's through with you.

He gets up from the barstool and walks around the counter over to where you're standing. You look up at him as he places his hands on either sides of your face and rubs his thumb along your cheek.

He narrows his eyes down towards you and gives you a meaningful look, "Babe, I would never kick you out no matter what happens. If anyone would have to leave, it would be me. I would rather suffer than make you go through something like that. I promise."

He leans down and places a soft kiss on your lips, before kissing your nose. A small smile plays on your lips at his sweet gesture. He was being unusually nice today.

"Okay." You sigh.

He smiles and is about to kiss you again, but he's interrupted by your dad walking through the door angrily. Liam backs away a few steps from you as your father storms inside and slams the door shut behind him.

"What's wrong?" You ask worriedly.

He looks over at you, "I got fucking fired! That is what's fucking wrong!" He stomps loudly up the stairs before slamming the bathroom door shut.

"Wow," Liam chuckles.

"Liam, it's not funny! How is he going to pay bills? We already had to go through this once before!" You lay your head down on the cold counter-top.

"You wouldn't have to worry about this if we lived together," he remarks. You can almost see the smirk plastered on his face, but you don't bother to look up.

He sighs, "C'mon babe, lets get ready and go somewhere.. didn't you say you wanted to go back to the beach sometime?" You look up and walk over to him before feeling his forehead, "Do you have a fever?" You can't seem to wipe the huge grin on your face.

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