Chapter 38

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(I'm doing another update since I got 33k! I'd just like to say thank you to everybody who reads this and enjoys it:) )

"Brooke, you can't stay in there forever." Niall says on the other side of the door. You were basically refusing to go back downstairs where he would be, because who knows, he could pull another move and make things even worse than they already were. There was no way you could trust him anymore. You had lost all faith in him that you used to have.

"Yes I can."

Your feel your phone ringing from beside you on the bed. You retrieve it and see who was calling. It was Niall.

"Really Niall?" you shout through the door. Why would he call you if he could just talk to you right now? You decide to answer it anyway.

"What?" you say through the speaker.

"Come out."

"No, Niall. I just want you out of my house. We're done being friends."

"You really shouldn't have said that." his voice is dark and sends a chill down your spine.

"I can say what I want. Now get out." You wanted him to cooperate, but he wasn't making this easy.

He hangs up, and suddenly, you hear a banging on your door and notice Niall has broken it down. You stand to your feet in fear, staring at him standing in the doorway. What has happened to Niall? Why is he doing this?

You're not quite sure what to do, so you just stand there. He paces over to you and shoves your shoulders, just hard enough to knock you over on the bed.

"Now, listen here Brooke. We can make this easy, or we can make this hard. I'm not going anywhere, and we're going to pretend like none of this happened, okay? Just like you wanted it."

There is no comfort what-so-ever in his voice, and that frightens you. What happened to the funny, kind, and sweet Niall? This is not like him. And you weren't convinced that he could ever act this way on his own without somebody else's influence.

"Niall, please.." you say with desperation. He looks at you, and his expression softens, but only a bit.

"Stop. You should know why I'm acting like this."

Is he finally going to admit why he is acting that way? Well, it was about time.


He winces, as if he's just been struck, then paces out of the room. Why is he leaving? You finally had him where you wanted him, and he's just going to leave you hanging? No, not this time.

You rush out of the room behind him and grab his arm. He swats you away and keeps walking down the stairs, not even saying a word.

"Niall, something is going on here and I need to know what it is!"

The meaness of his expression has vanished with hurt. What is up with him? You had to find out, no matter what it took.

"I can't tell you!" He shouts and places his hands on either side of his head. Wow, could he make this any more difficult? You wanted answers, and so far, you had none.

He quiets his voice down a bit, "There's certain stuff that needs to be kept from you, Brooke. This would be one of those things."

"Fine. I'm leaving then." You grab your coat and head out the door, trying to get out of there as fast as you could.

--Liam's Point Of View--

Why the fuck did I come to this club again? After what happened last night, this was probably the last place I wanted to go. But for some reasom I had the urge to. And besides, I needed a drink to get my mind off of things.

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