Chapter 29

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"We should probably be getting back home babe. It's getting late." Liam says while stroking your hair. You are currently laying down on his chest, snuggled up against him, while he has his face buried in your hair as he strokes it. Everybody on the beach had finally left, giving you and Liam a little more privacy.

You groan a little, "Why can't we just stay like this forever?"

He chuckles, his chest moving up and down under your head, "I wish we could."

"Then why don't we stay the night?" you question. You had to admit, it would be pretty fun to stay the night on a beach with Liam, snuggling into this chest all night.

"It's too cold out here babe, you'll freeze!"

It was a little cold, but with Liam laying next to you, his warmth radiating off his body, it wouldn't be too bad. You snuggle into his chest a little tighter, "That's why I have you."

He doesn't say anything, but you can almost sense a smile forming on his face as he shifts around a little. He loves the fact that you feel safe and warm from his presence.

He sighs and sits up, "As tempting as that is, we can't stay all night. You're dad will be worried."

You huff, "Fine."

"Hey, hey! Don't get an attitude with me!" He winks and you quickly stand to walk towards the car. It would have been so fun to sleep on a beach with Liam all night. And there was really no use of leaving if it was already 9:30. It takes a couple hours to get back home anyways, so it really wasn't worth leaving. You would be exhausted by the time you got back home.

"Babe, are you seriously getting mad over this?" Liam calls after you as he rounds up the towel and food basket. You decide to have a little fun and not respond to him. You get in the car and lean the seat back while closing your eyes. Now would be a great time to tune out the world, which included Liam.

You hear Liam open the backseat car door and throw everything in, before climbing into the drivers seat. You keep your eyes closed, hoping that he won't say anything to you.

"You're not asleep," he says while poking your cheek. You try your hardest to hold back a smile as he prods on your cheek.

He whispers in your ear, "Broooooke."

After you don't answer, he starts poking at your stomach, and an unexpected burst of laughter escapes your lips. He knew exactly where you were ticklish at.

"Ha! I win!" he shouts in victory as he starts up the car and drives away.

"You cheated!" you say while crossing your arms and attempting to close your eyes again. You were completely and utterly exhausted.

"C'mon babe, I'm sorry we didn't get to stay. I promise that we will the next time we come."

You sigh in defeat, "Okay."

After a few more minutes, you're back on the highway. The steady hum of the tires connecting with the road made you grow more tired than you already were. You put your legs up in the seat and curl into a little ball on your side, trying to get comfortable.

"You cold?" Liam asks as he rests his hand on top of your knee.

"A little," you admit. He removes his hand from your leg and turns the heater up a little more, blasting warm air through the car. You grab the towel from the backseat and attempt to cover up with it. Liam looks over and chuckles at you, laying under the beach towel. He turns to look back at the road, his eyes hard and focused. You watch him for awhile, studying his features. His prominent jawline made his face look so much more defined. He had a firm grip on the wheel with one hand, while his other hand was occupied by your leg again. His veins just slightly bulging up from his arms and hands. His black shirt made his brown hair appear much lighter than it actually was.

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