Chapter 41

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You stare at him in disbelief, "Liam, that's not even possible."

"Yes, actually it is. Niall explained it to me. Your mother gave birth to him a year before you were born, and months later when she found out she was pregnant with you, your parents decided they wouldn't be able to afford having two kids. So, they put Niall up for adoption. And apparently the couple who adopted him treated him like dirt. Finally when he was old enough to understand, the couple finally told him he was adopted, and he eventually moved out. Brooke, Niall is your brother."

You are at a loss for words. This couldn't be true, could it? How could Niall possibly be your brother? None of this was making sense, and you found it hard to process everything that Liam has just said. Why has Niall never told you about this? There was no way he could be, because what about that day when he basically attacked you when the two of you were alone? Niall said he had been waiting to get you alone, and shoved his body against yours. Brothers don't do that to their sisters. Something about this just wasn't clicking in your brain.

"Are you alright?" Liam asks from across the table. He places his hands on top of yours for comfort, "I know it's a lot to process. Do you want to talk to him?"

You shake your head, "No. I just need a little time to think about this."

He nods, "Okay. Well, do you still feel like doing anything today? I mean, we could go see a movie or something, if you wanted?"

"Maybe later," you say and rest your head on the table. How could Niall be your brother? You were in complete shock. And how did he even know he was your brother? It's not like he knew who you were before you met him at that bar. Oh god, and you actually used to think he was hot. You thought your own brother was attractive. But you didn't know he was your brother at the time, and you still don't know. But where did he get the blonde hair from? None of this made any sense. The puzzle pieces didn't fit together quite right.

Suddenly, you stand up, "I think I actually will talk to him. I have so many questions."

Liam gives you a wink, "Don't be too long."

You laugh at him, and make your way up to the room where Niall had been staying in last night. You had to admit, you were a little nervous for what was to come. If he really is your brother, that will literally change everything.

You gently knock on the door and wait patiently. A few seconds later, a blonde haired boy with messy bed hair opens the door.

"Brooke?" he asks, a little surprised.

"Are you still sleeping?" you ask. It had to be at least 1:00 by now.

"Well, I WAS," he laughs and opens the door a bit further and rests his body against the doorframe.

"Oh, sorry. Did I disturb you?"

"No, no, it's fine. I needed to wake up anyway," he says.

"Okay," you breathe, "well I need to talk to you."

"What about?"

You look around the empty hallway, "Can I just come in?"

"Oh, yeah, of course!" he says while stepping out of the way to let you in. You slowly walk in and pace the floor a few times.

"What's wrong with you? Did Liam tell you already?"

You stop pacing, "Yeah, as a matter of fact, he did."

He laughs a little, "Well calm down. You look like a nervous wreck."

"Well I kinda am," you admit, and take a seat on the edge of his bed to calm yourself down. There was so many questions that you needed to ask him. But it would take too long to ask all of them.

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