Chapter 30

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A/N: Updating another chapter in celebration for 20k! Thank you all so much! I love you guys :)

"C'mon lets go!" you say, pulling Liam's arms while trying to get him out of bed. You were usually the one who stayed in bed all morning, and Liam was the one who tried to get you up. But today when you woke up, you wanted to hurry and get ready so you and Liam could go job hunting and get some applications. You were tired of living at your dads house, and hearing about his messed-up life. You wanted to help him, but there's really nothing you can do about the situation that he's in.

"5 more minutes." He groans and buries his face in the pillow. You sigh and let go of his arm.

"Fine. But whenever I get back from the bathroom, you better be up!" You say in a jokingly manner. He doesn't say anything, except roll the pillow up over his ears. You laugh at his gesture before walking to the bathroom and shutting the door behind you.

You brush your teeth, wash your face, and curl your hair. It definitely took more than 5 minutes. I guess Liam got lucky on this one. Hopefully he was up by now. He is so stubborn in the mornings when you try to wake him up. It's almost impossible to get him out of bed.

You apply face powder, eyeliner, and mascara after hesitating whether or not you should actually wear makeup today. You wanted to at least look a little nice while looking for a job.

Once you're all done in the bathroom, you walk back in the bedroom to see if Liam's up yet. And sure enough, he was. In fact, he wasn't even in your room anymore. He must be downstairs in the kitchen.

You quickly walk down the hallway and to the stairs. When you get to the bottom of them, you turn the corner into the kitchen. You peer in, and there was Liam, standing at the coffee pot, wearing nothing but his basketball shorts, and his hair sticking out in a few places.

"Morning," you say cheerfully. He turns around and looks at you. As soon as he sees your face, he smiles slightly.

"Goodmorning babe. Do you want some of this coffee?"

"No, I'm fine. I'm just glad you finally decided to get out of bed." You say and laugh a little.

"Yeah, yeah, laugh all you want. We'll see how well you get up when I try to drag you out of bed at 6 in the morning." He smirks while speaking.

"Well I only woke you up this early because we need to look for jobs. If we're gonna be getting our own place and.."

He cuts you off, "So you DO want to live together?" he has the biggest smile ever while he speaks.

You twiddle your thumbs, "Yeah, I mean, I guess. It would be nice to get away from my messed-up father."

He smiles and sits down at the table, "I love you so much."

You lean down and kiss him on the lips, "I love you too."

He smiles and you walk over to the toaster, grabbing two pieces of bread and plopping them in. Liam watches you as he sips on his steaming cup of coffee.

"What?" You ask when he doesn't stop staring at you.

"Oh, nothing, nothing.." He trails off.

"Tell me what you're thinking about." You demand towards him.

"Well, I was just thinking about how much fun we're going to have once we get our own place." He eyes your body and winks at you. Your cheeks flush and you quickly turn away when the toast pops up out of the toaster.

You hear Liam chuckle a little. He was probably laughing at your flushed cheeks.

"Don't laugh at me." You say while furrowing your brows and pushing your bottom lip out. He laughs at your joking manner,

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