Chapter 32

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You finally find the courage to move your legs out of bed and out of the room when Liam stops screaming. You were so afraid to see the horrible mess when you got downstairs. Because from the sound of it, you wouldn't be surprised if he broke down a wall.

You immediately spot Niall laying on the kitchen floor. But he wasn't awake, he got knocked out.

You stare at him in horror. The blood still dripping from his nose, his eyes red and puffy. There were visible bruises on his arms and neck. You were going to kill Liam for doing this.

"Liam! Where are you?!" You nearly scream, your voice filled with anger. Liam appears from the living room and comes to join you.

"Yeah?" he asks casually, like nothing ever happened.

How can he act so normal now? He just knocked Niall out from beating him. He would have to go to a hospital for sure. Liam probably wouldn't take you, so you would just have to drive yourself.

"..why?" You ask, tears starting to fill your eyes now.

"What?" he narrows his eyes at you.

"What has he ever done to you? He doesn't deserve this."

"You don't even know half the things he has said to me since he's been here! You are so fucking clueless Brooke! You think he's the nice guy, the innocent one. He hasn't done a damn thing but cause trouble ever since you let him stay! He needs to be taught a lesson, and since you obviously weren't going to do it, I was."

"He's only trying to protect me Liam.." you turn away from him and look down at Niall. He's still laying there unconscious.

"He's not the hero here Brooke! You think just because he's "so nice" that he wouldn't do anything bad, but he does!" His anger reaches a boiling point as his fist collides with the wall.

You flinch a little, but quickly shrug it off as you lift Niall from under his arms, "Please stop acting like a child and help me." You try to drag him across the room and to the door, but it's useless. There was no way you would be able to get him to your car.

"I'm not helping him." he says with disgust.

"You're not helping him, you're helping me."

He rolls his eyes and walks over to lift Niall's legs. We slowly walk him out and lay him in the backseat of my car.

"You're not driving." Liam says sternly, as if he's my father.

"What? Yes I am. This is my car." You open the door to get in but he pulls your hand away and closes it.

"Liam, stop. We have to get him to the hospital. I don't have time for your games."

"This isn't a game. Get in the other seat. I'm driving."

You huff in annoyance and walk around to the passengers side door. You couldn't believe Liam was not letting you drive your own car.

You sit in silence most of the way there. You were so tired. It was nearly 3 in the morning, and here you were driving Niall to the hospital. But you wouldn't even be in this situation if it weren't for Liam. He has absolutely no clue how to control his anger. It's very rare when he actually does control it though.

Liam pulls into the hospital parking lot just as Niall starts to wake up. You hear him let out a loud yawn as he stretches.

"Ow, shit." he mutters.

"Niall!" You nearly scream, "are you okay?!"

"Brooke, calm down." Liam says harshly. You ignore him and turn around to face Niall.

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